Резултати 1-20 од 41

ГодинаНасловАутор(и)Тип резултатаМп-кат.
2024Using morpho-anatomical characters of leaves and stems for distinguishing Bolboschoenus taxa: a case study of Serbian species (✓)Nikolić, Danijela  ; Raca, Irena  ; Jenačković Gocić, Dragana  ; Jušković, Marina  ; Đorđević, Miodrag  ; Ranđelović, Vladimir Научни чланак
22M22 - Рад у истакнутом међ. часопису
2023Identifying the allotetraploids within the Crocus heuffelianus Herb. complex (✓)Irena Raca  ; Frank R. Blattner; Nomar Espinosa Waminal; Helmut Kerndorff; Ranđelović, Vladimir ; Doerte HarpkeОстало
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2023Essential-oil composition of plant species of the genus Bupleurum (✓)Nesic, Milica  ; Raca, Irena  ; Radulovic, Niko  Научни чланак
51M51 - Рад у врхунском часопису нац. значаја
2023Disentangling Crocus Series Verni and Its Polyploids (✓)Raca, Irena  ; Blattner, Frank R.; Kerndorff, Helmut; Ranđelović, Vladimir ; Harpke, DörteНаучни чланак
21M21 - Рад у врхунском међ. часопису
2023How do nutrients and organic matter affect the growth rate of Lemna minor? (✓)Nikolić, Danijela  ; Gocić, Jenačković Dragana  ; Irena Raca  ; Stojković, Milica Piperac  ; Stojković, Venja; Kokić, Kostić Ivana  ; Anđelković, Tatjana  Остало
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2023Morpho-anatomical variability of species Myriophyllum spicatum L. in different types of habitats (✓)Nikolić, Danijela  ; Irena Raca  ; Milovanović, Dragana; Đorđević, Nikolija; Jušković, Marina  ; Gocić, Jenačković Dragana  Остало
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2023The effect of pH value of water on morpho-anatomy of vegetative organs of Ceratophyllum demersum L. (✓)Irena Raca  ; Nikolić, Danijela  ; Jevtić, Anastasija; Kokić, Kostić Ivana  ; Anđelković, Tatjana  ; Jušković, Marina  ; Gocić, Jenačković Dragana  Остало
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2023The influence of alpha diversity on morpho-anatomical variability of the species Ceratophyllum demersum L. (✓)Gocić, Jenačković Dragana  ; Jevtić, Anastasija; Nikolić, Danijela  ; Jušković, Marina  ; Živković, Milena; Irena Raca  Остало
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2023Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of wild carrot (Daucus carrota L.) seed essential oil from Southeastern Serbia (✓)Stanojević, Ljiljana  ; Milenković, Aleksandra  ; Stanojević, Jelena  ; Danilović, Bojana  ; Irena Raca  ; Ranđelović, Vladimir Конференцијски рад
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2022Hypecoum pseudograndiflorum Petrović (Papaveraceae), critically endangered plant species in the flora of Serbia – state of population, phytocoenological compliance and protection measures (✓)Stamenković, Maša; Jušković, Marina  ; Nedeljković, Dragana; Stojiljković, Bogosav; Irena Raca  ; Ranđelović, Vladimir Остало
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2022Series Verni Mathew (Crocus L.) in Southeastern Europe vol. 1 – resolving the polyploid mess (✓)Doerte Harpke; Irena Raca  ; Ranđelović, Vladimir Остало
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2022Series Verni Mathew (Crocus L.) in Southeastern Europe vol. 2 - matching the cytotypes and morphoanatomical features with the traditional nomenclature (✓)Irena Raca  ; Doerte Harpke; Ranđelović, Vladimir Остало
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2022The impact of invasive species Elodea nuttallii (Planch.) H. St. John on morphological characteristics of Potamogeton gramineus L. (✓)Nikolić, Danijela  ; Jušković, Marina  ; Savić, Ana  ; Gocić, Jenačković Dragana  ; Irena Raca  ; Ranđelović, Vladimir Остало
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2022Herbarium Moesiacum Niš (HMN) – State of the Art (✓)Irena Raca  ; Jovanović, Maja  ; Bogdanović, Andrija; Marković, Marija  ; Nešić, Marija  ; Zlatković, Bojan  ; Ranđelović, Vladimir Конференцијски рад
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2022Morphological differences between the aquatic and the terrestrial forms of amphibious Persicaria amphibia (L.) Delarbre. (✓)Nikolić, Danijela  ; Cvetanović, Milica; Jušković, Marina  ; Savić, Ana  ; Gocić, Jenačković Dragana  ; Irena Raca  ; Ranđelović, Vladimir Остало
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2021Taxonomy and phylogeny of series Verni Mathew (Crocus L.) in Southeastern Europe - morpho-anatomical, cytological and molecular approach (✓)Irena Raca  Остало
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2021An insight into the ecology of Woodsia alpina newly recorded for the flora of the Balkan Peninsula (✓)Randjelovic, Vladimir ; Jenackovic-Gocic, Dragana  ; Stojanovic, Jovana  ; Raca, Irena  ; Nikolic, Danijela  ; Juskovic, Marina  Научни чланак
23M23 - Рад у међ. часопису
2021Taksonomija i filogenija serije Verni Mathew (crocus l.) u jugoistočnoj Evropi - morfo-anatomski, citološki i molekularni pristup (✓)Raca, Irena  Докторска дисертација
70M70 - Одбрањена докторска дисертација
2020A new species of Crocus ser. Verni (Iridaceae) with 2n = 12 chromosomes from the BalkansRaca, Irena  ; Harpke, Dörte; Shuka, Lulëzim; Ranđelović, Vladimir Научни чланак
22M22 - Рад у истакнутом међ. часопису
2020Comparative morphological and leaf anatomical analysis of the species Crocus danubensis and Crocus variegatus (Iridaceae)Ljubisavljević, Irena; Raca, Irena  Научни чланак
23M23 - Рад у међ. часопису

Резултати 1-20 од 41