Rezultati 1-20 od 108

GodinaNaslovAutor(i)Tip rezultataMp-kat.
2025Cytomorphological and histomorphological features of lung adenocarcinoma with epidermal growth factor receptor mutation and anaplastic lymphoma kinase gene rearrangementGardic, Nikola  ; Lovrenski, Aleksandra  ; Sekerus, Vanesa Z  ; Kasikovic-Lecic, Svetlana  ; Bijelovic, Milorad; Lakic, Tanja  ; Ilic, Aleksandra  ; Zaric, Bojan  ; Glumac, Sofija  Naučni članak
23M23 - Rad u međ. časopisu
2024Is the expression of programmed cell death ligand 1 related to histological features in small biopsies of lung adenocarcinoma?Gardic, Nikola  ; Lovrenski, Aleksandra  ; Glumac, S; Jovanovic, MKonferencijski rad
Mp kategorija će biti prikazana naknadno.
2024Praktikum iz makroskopskog pregleda u patologijiEri, Živka; Kosjerina, Zdravko; Vučković, Nada  ; Vučković, Dejan  ; Knežević-Ušaj, Slavica; Panjković, Milana  ; Ivković-Kapicl, Tatjana  ; Trivunić-Dajko, Sandra  ; Živojinov, Mirjana  ; Nikin, Zoran;
Lovrenski, Aleksandra  ; Tegeltija, Dragana  ; Šolajić, Nenad; Samardžija, Golub  ; Lakić, Tanja  ;
Text book
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2024Cytomorphological Features as a Subtyping Tool of Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer in Brushing Bronchoscopic SamplesGardic, Nikola G  ; Miljkovic, Dejan M  ; Lovrenski, Aleksandra N  Article
2024Peak Resembling N-acetylaspartate (NAA) on Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Brain MetastasesOstojic, Jelena  ; Kozic, Dusko  ; Panjkovic, Milana  ; Georgievski-Brkic, Biljana  ; Dragicevic, Dusan; Lovrenski, Aleksandra  ; Boban, Jasmina  Article
2024Ultrasound and cytological correlation of thyroid gland nodules using TIRADS and Bethesda classificationsLakic, Tanja  ; Icin, Tijana  ; Ilic, Aleksandra  ; Lovrenski, Aleksandra  ; Milic, Z; Panjkovic, Milana  Conference Paper
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2023Praktikum patološke histologije - za studente medicineKlemm, István; Eri, Živka ; Vučković, Dejan  ; Vučković, Nada  ; Knežević-Ušaj, Slavica ; Panjković, Milana  ; Ivković-Kapicl, Tatjana  ; Trivunić-Dajko, Sandra  ; Živojinov, Mirjana  ; Nikin, Zoran;
Šolajić, Nenad ; Lovrenski, Aleksandra  ; Tegeltija, Dragana  ; Samardžija, Golub  ; Lakić, Tanja  ; Vasiljević, Tijana  ;
Text book
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2023Alveolar Adenoma: A 20-Year Experience at a Western Balkan University Hospital and a Literature ReviewLovrenski, Aleksandra  ; Gardić, Nikola  ; Šunjević, Milena  ; Dragišić, Dragan; Vučković, Dejan  Article
2023Invasive Diagnostic Procedures from Bronchoscopy to Surgical Biopsy—Optimization of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Samples for Molecular TestingLalić, Nensi  ; Lovrenski, Aleksandra  ; Ilić, Miroslav  ; Ivanov, Olivera  ; Bojović, Marko  ; Lalić, Ivica  ; Popević, Spasoje  ; Stjepanović, Mihailo; Janjić, Nataša  Article
2023Case report: Thyroid sarcoidosis as a rare localization of the disease: Report of two cases and review of the literatureKasikovic-Lecic, Svetlana B  ; Javorac, Jovan M  ; Lovrenski, Aleksandra  ; Djokic, Jelena; Sazdanic-Velikic, Danica S  ; Zivanovic, Dejan B  Article
2023The role of immunohistochemical analysis in the diagnosis of lung metastasesBlanuša, Ljuban; Lovrenski, Aleksandra  ; Baroš-Brkljača, Marija Article
2022EGFR mutations and lung cancer: the era of precision medicine in oncologySekeruš, Vanesa Z  ; Andrijević, Ljiljana N  ; Lazin, S; Potić, Marijela; Vučković, Dejan  ; Lovrenski, Aleksandra  ; Tegeltija, Dragana R  ; Andrijević, Ilija  Conference Paper
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2022Pulmonary metastasis of extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma as a first sign of a diseaseLovrenski, Aleksandra  ; Gardic, Nikola  ; Tegeltija, Dragana R  ; Ergelasev, Ivan M  Conference Paper
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2022Management of musculoskeletal pain in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: a reviewKasikovic-Lecic, Svetlana B  ; Javorac, Jovan M  ; Zivanovic, Dejan B  ; Lovrenski, Aleksandra  ; Tegeltija, Dragana R  ; Zvekic-Svorcan, Jelena S  ; Maksimovic, Jadranka M  Article
2022Diagnostic accuracy and adequacy of peripheral pulmonary nodules samples obtained by transthoracic needle aspirationLovrenski, Aleksandra  ; Gardic, Nikola  ; Tegeltija, Dragana R  ; Miljkovic, Dejan M  Article
2022Cathepsin K is Superior to HMB45 for the Diagnosis of Pulmonary LymphangioleiomyomatosisRolim, Ines; Makupson, Marquetta S; Lovrenski, Aleksandra  ; Farver, CarolArticle
2022Comorbidity burden and survival in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: the EMPIRE registry studyJovanović, Dragana  ; Sterclova, Martina; ...; Vučinić-Mihailović, Violeta  ; Milenković, Branislava  ; Kontić, Milica  ; Samardžić, Natalija  ; Roksandić, Marina; Pejčić, Tatjana  ; Nastasijević-Borovac, Desa  ;
Videnović, Emilija; Rađenović-Petković, Tatjana; Đorđević, Ivanka; Kašiković Lečić, Svetlana  ; Kuruc, Vesna  ; Eri, Živka ; Panjković, Milana  ; Lovrenski, Aleksandra  ; Kukavica, Darinka; Jakić, Ana; Mojsilović, Slavica; ...; (broj koautora 98);
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2022Does miliary sarcoidosis really exist? A case report and review of the literatureKasikovic-Lecic, Svetlana B  ; Lovrenski, Aleksandra  ; Djokic, Jelena; Popovic, Maja; Javorac, Jovan M  ; Milenkovic, Ana M; Zivanovic, Dejan B  Article
2022Is imprint cytology an efficient alternative to traditional frozen section in intraoperative diagnosis of lung adenocarcinoma?Lovrenski, Aleksandra  ; Gardic, Nikola  ; Tegeltija, Dragana R  Conference Paper
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2022A Comprehensive Morphometric Study of Visceral and Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue Depots in Mice, Hamsters and RatsMiljkovic, Dejan M  ; Drljaca, Jovana N  ; Lovrenski, Aleksandra  ; Gajic, Milica Article

Rezultati 1-20 od 108