Results 1-20 of 56

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМp-cat.
2019The housing of RomaKrstić, Hristina R.  ; Petrović, Marjan; Stanimirović, Mirko  ; Jovanović, Goran  Изведена дела, награде и изложбе
Мп категорија ће бити приказана накнадно.
2018The impact of floating housing to environmentStanković, Danica B.  ; Jovanović, Goran  ; Nikolić, Vladan  Конференцијски рад
Мп категорија ће бити приказана накнадно.
2018Improvement of social housing through the mix concept implementationPetković Grozdanović, Nataša  ; Stoiljković, Branislava  ; Petrović, Vladana B.  ; Keković, Aleksandar Đ.  ; Jovanović, Goran  Конференцијски рад
Мп категорија ће бити приказана накнадно.
2018The Impact of Prefabricated Industrialized System of Construction on the Spatial Organization of Collective Housing Built Between 1970-1980 in NisPetrović, Vladana  ; Jovanović, Goran  ; Stoiljković, Branislava  ; Živković, Milica  ; Petković Grozdanović, Nataša  Conference Paper
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2017The Selamluk in Vranje, part II: Architectonic characteristics of structural and decorative elementsMiric, Aleksandra; Kurtović-Folić, Nađa ; Jovanović, Goran  Article
2017The spatial comfort of social housing units in the post-socialist period in Serbia in relation to the applicable architectural normsPetković-Grozdanović, Nataša  ; Stoiljković, Branislava  ; Jovanović, Goran  ; Mitković, Petar  ; Keković, Aleksandar  Article
2017Serbian house of Morava-Sumadia type - once and nowJovanović, Goran  ; Mirić, Aleksandra; Krstić, Hristina R.  ; Obradović, Tanja; Vasić, Milanka  Arch works
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2016Corellation Between Urban Design and Context: Square in PirotStanimirović, Mirko D.  ; Jovanović, Goran K.  ; Kondić, Slaviša  ; Nikolić, Vojislav D.  ; Petrović, Vladana  Conference Paper
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2016Aspect of sustainable development in contemporary architecturePetrović, Vladana  ; Jovanović, Goran  ; Stoiljković, Branislava P.  ; Medenica, Milena  ; Jovanović, Milena  Article
2016Interior-Exterior Connection in Architectural Design Based on the Incorporation of Spatial in Between Layers. Study of Four Architectural ProjectsKrstić, Hristina  ; Trentin, Annalisa; Jovanović, Goran  Article
2016Current strategies of urban and architectural conversion as a result of increased housing demandsŽivković, Milica  ; Kurtović-Folić, Nađa ; Jovanović, Goran  ; Kondić, Slaviša  ; Mitković, Mihailo  Article
2015Revitalization of Preschool Buildings: A Methodological ApproachStankovic, Danica  ; Tanic, Milan  ; Kostic, Aleksandra  ; Timotijevic, Mihailo; Jevremovic, Ljiljana  ; Jovanovic, Goran  ; Vasov, Miomir  ; Sokolovskii, NikitaArticle
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2015Treatment of apartment open areas by implementation of the individualization conceptStoiljković, Branislava P.  ; Petkovic Grozdanovic, Nataša  ; Jovanovic, Goran  Conference Paper
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2015Silueta grada kao kompozicioni fenomenStanimirović, Mirko D.  ; Jovanović, Goran K.  ; Petković-Grozdanović, Nataša I.  Article
2015Model of collective housing individualizationStoiljković, Branislava P.  ; Petkovic Grozdanovic, Natasa  ; Jovanovic, Goran  ; Stanojevic, Aleksandar; Brzakovic, Milan  Arch works
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2015Kreiranje prostorno-ambijentalne celine trga - primer trga u PirotuStanimirović, Mirko D.  ; Mitković, Petar B.  ; Jovanović, Goran K.  ; Kondić, Slaviša M.  Article
2015Individualization concept in housing architectureStoiljković, Branislava  ; Petkovic-Grozdanovic, Natasa  ; Jovanovic, Goran  Article
2015Model of flexible flats organization and assembly of typical floor apartment buildingJovanović, Goran  ; Stanimirović, Mirko  ; Momčilović-Petronijević, Ana  ; Stanković, Vladana  ; Ilić, JelenaConference Paper
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2015Contemporary Interior Design of Serbian Orthodox TempleStanimirović, Mirko D.  ; Petrović, Vladana B.  ; Jovanović, Goran  Conference Paper
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2014Aaliza dispozicije otvora za dnevno osvetljenje na modelu porodičnog stambenog objektaKondić, Slaviša  ; Živković, Milica  ; Jovanović, Goran  ; Nikolić, Vojislav  ; Penić, M.Article

Results 1-20 of 56