Година | Наслов | Аутор(и) | Тип резултата | Мп-кат. |
2020 | 21st ICA Meets Popular Inquiry | | Уређивачки рад | |
2019 | Possible worlds of contemporary aesthetics: aesthetics between history, geography and media - book of аbstracts | | Уређивачки рад | |
2019 | Possible worlds of contemporary aesthetics: aesthetics between history, geography and media [Elektronski izvor] : proceedings / 21st International Congress of Aesthetics ICA | | Уређивачки рад | |
2019 | "Comme déjà dit": A Lecture Performance on the Role of Textual. Repetition in Alain Robbe-Grillet's Novels | Bešlagić, Luka  | Уређивачки рад | |
2019 | 21st International Congress of Aesthetics, Possible Worlds of Contemporary Aesthetics Aesthetics Between History, Geography and Media, Book of Abstracts | | Уређивачки рад | |
2019 | Possible worlds of contemporary aesthetics: aesthetics between history, geography and media - proceedings - 21st International Congress of Aesthetics ICA 2019, Belgrade, 2019 | | Уређивачки рад | |
2019 | Wine cellars of Negotin – Participatory Urban Design | Đukanović, Zoran ; Cecchini, Arnaldo Bibo | Уређивачки рад | |
2019 | Possible worlds of contemporary aesthetics: aesthetics between history, geography and media : book of аbstracts / 21st International Congress of Aesthetics ICA 2019, Belgrade | | Уређивачки рад | |
2019 | 100 godina Bauhausa - kontekstualizacije i re-kontekstualizacije Bauhausa u jugoslovenskom umetničkom prostoru - izložba - contextualization and re-contextualization of the Bauhaus in the Yugoslav Art Space - exhibition | Janković, Nataša  | Уређивачки рад | |
2019 | 100 godina Bauhausa: Kontekstualizacije i re-kontekstualizacije Bauhausa u jugoslovenskom umetničkom prostoru : katalog izložbe | Janković, Nataša  | Уређивачки рад | |
2019 | Proceedings of the 21st International Congress of Aesthetics, Possible Worlds of Contemporary Aesthetics Aesthetics Between History, Geography and Media | | Уређивачки рад | |
2017 | Belgrade in plural | Đukanović, Zoran ; Giofrè, Francesca | Уређивачки рад | |