ГодинаНасловАутор(и)Тип резултатаМп-кат.
2022Thematic proceedings - The Seventh International Scientific Conference The future of tourism, Vrnjačka Banja, June 2-4th, 2022Уређивачки рад
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2020Tourism and rural development - thematic proceedings - 1 - The fifth International scientific conference Tourism in function of the development of the Republic of Serbia, Vrnjačka Banja, September 3-5th, 2020Уређивачки рад
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2020Rural Resource as a Tourist Attractor (✓)Cvijanović, Drago  ; Gajić, Tamara R.  ; Colarič-Jakše, Lea-MarijaУређивачки рад
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2020(uređivanje) - TOURISM IN FUNCTION OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIATourism and Rural Development IIУређивачки рад
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2020(uređivanje) - TOURISMINFUNCTIONOFDEVELOPMENTOFTHEREPUBLICOFSERBIATourismandRuralDevelopment IУређивачки рад
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2020Tourism and rural development - thematic proceedings - 2 - The fifth International scientific conference Tourism in function of the development of the Republic of Serbia, Vrnjačka Banja, September 3-5th, 2020Уређивачки рад
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2019Valorization of the factors for development of rural tourism in the Municipality of Debarca, Republic of Macedonia (✓)Dimitrov, Nikola V.; Terzić, Aleksandra M.  Уређивачки рад
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2019Tourism as a Generator of Employment - thematic proceedings - 2 - The Fоurth International Scientific Conference Tourism in Function of Development of the Republic of Serbia, Vrnjacka Banja, 30 May - 1 June, 2019Уређивачки рад
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2019Tourism as a Generator of Employment - thematic proceedings - 1 - The Fоurth International Scientific Conference Tourism in Function of Development of the Republic of Serbia, Vrnjacka Banja, 30 May - 1 June, 2019Уређивачки рад
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2018Tourism and environmental protection - an analysis of the indicators of sustainable tourism in protected areas (✓)Brankov, Jovana J.  ; Bjeljac, Željko N.  Уређивачки рад
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2018Preduzetništvo mladih i žena u Srbiji : turizam kao izazov : monografija (✓)Cvijanović, Drago  ; Aničić, Jugoslav; Vukotić, Svetlana  Уређивачки рад
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2017Thematic Proceedings - 2Уређивачки рад
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2016Indicators of competitiveness in tourism: Case of Serbia, Montenegro and FYR MacedoniaDenda, Stefan  ; Stojanović, Jasna  Уређивачки рад
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2015(uređivanje) - Megatrend ReviewУређивачки рад
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2012(uređivanje) - Megatrend revija vol 9(1)Уређивачки рад
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2010Evropske integracijeStevović-Buha, JelenaУређивачки рад
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