Томашевић, Виолета
Варијанте имена
Violeta, Tomašević
Виолета, Томашевић
Violeta, Stevanović
Виолета, Стевановић
eCris ID
After obtaining her BSc with School of Electrical Engineering, Belgrade, in 1988 Violeta Tomašević was employed in Ivo Lola Ribar Institue, Belgrade, working in the area of industrial control systems. From 1989 to 2007 she was with Mihajlo Pupin Institute, Belgrade. During research and development activities in IMP, she actively took part in a number of projects in the field of expert systems and artificial intelligence, business decision support systems and complex web applications. She was involved in projects funded by Serbian Ministry of Science and in commercial projects for domestic and foreign customers. In addition, she participated in project funded by EU agency. She also took in Joint Project Office within collaboration program between IMP and Fraunhofer FIRST Institute, Berlin. From 2007 she is with Singidunum University where she is currently a Full Professor teaching multiple courses in computing and informatics on undergraduate and master studies.
decision support systems, cryptanalysis, RFID systems and software development
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