Ђорђевић, Мила
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Mila, Đorđević
Мила, Ђорђевић
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Mila Đorđević is Ph.D. candidate in Sociology of Law at the Faculty of Law University of Belgrade and master student at the Faculty of Philosophy University of Belgrade. Her main focus of interest are topics on the crossroad of law and sociology, and she is using largely quantitative methods for researching legal questions. She is mainly interested in social inequalities and poverty and their implications on the fulfillment of human rights of individuals and the rule of law. She is interested in both global inequality and social inequalities in Serbia and other Western Balkan countries. She has written papers: “The impact of state aid on poverty reduction in Serbia during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020“ and “Accessibility of Cities to Women with Disabilities from the Social Sustainability Perspective: the Case of Serbia“ and she is currently finishing her second master thesis “Social inequalities in criminal system in the USA.“ Besides questions about social inequalities, she is interested and was writing about legal professions in Serbia and the career paths of law students in Serbia. The papers covering these topics are “Between the judiciary and advocacy: professional preferences of law students in Serbia “ and “How much does a law trainee cost? About the characteristics of internship in law offices in Serbia“ (with Milica Vlajić). Her third field of interest is judicial efficiency. She has written (with Bojan Spaić) the paper “Less is more? On the number of judges and judicial efficiency.”
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