Results 1-20 of 57

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМp-cat.
2024Mathematical modeling and simulation of a half-vehicle suspension system in the roll planeBenmeddah, Abdeselem; Drakulić, Momir  ; Đurić, Aleksandar  ; Perić, Sreten  ; Bukvić, Aleksandar  ; Ferfouri, AbdellahArticle
2024Modeling and Experimental Validation of an Off-Road Truck’s (4 × 4) Lateral Dynamics Using a Multi-Body SimulationBenmeddah, Abdeselem; Jovanović, Vesna  ; Perić, Sreten  ; Drakulić, Momir  ; Đurić, Aleksandar  ; Marinković, Dragan  Article
2023Modeling and simulation of hydraulic buffering valve for power-shift transmissionDrakulić, Momir  ; Đurić, Aleksandar  ; Ponorac, Luka; Benmeddah, Abdeselem; Perić, Sreten  Article
2022Development of mathematical model for design of vehicle steering systemDrakulić, Momir  ; Stojnić, Lazar; Blagojević, Ivan; Đurić, Aleksandar; Perić, Sreten  Article
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2020Condition monitoring through engine oil analysis testsSreten Perić  ; Bučko Mihael  ; Nedić, Bogdan P.  ; Radovan Radovanović  Conference Paper
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2018Mathematical model for temperature change of a journal bearingAntunovic, Ranko; Halep, Amir; Bučko, Mihael  ; Perić, Sreten  Conference Paper
2017The Influence of Atmospheric Conditions on the Migration of Diesel Fuel Spilled in SoilVuruna, Mladen  ; Veličković, Zlate  ; Perić, Sreten  ; Bogdanov, Jovica  ; Ivanković, Negovan  ; Bučko, Mihael  Article
2017The investigation of the biodegradable universal tractor oilPerić, Sreten R.  ; M. Stoilković; Nedić, Bogdan P.  ; Bučko, Mihael M.  Conference Paper
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2017Experimental research of the biodegradable universal tractor oil based on the vegetable oilsPeric, S.R.  ; Bucko, M.  ; Stoiljkovic, M.; Nedic, B.; Trifkovic, D.R.  Article
2016Proaktivna strategija održavanja tehničkih sistemaPerić, Sreten  Conference Paper
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2016The analytical composition of the biodegradable universal tractor oil based on the vegetable oilsPerić, Sreten  ; Nedić, Bogdan  ; Stoiljković Mile; Antunović RankoArticle
2016Experimental investigation of oils in four-stroke enginesNedić, Bogdan  ; Perić, Sreten  Conference Paper
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2016Investigation into recurring military helicopter landing gear failureKrstić, Branimir  ; Rebhi, Lamine; Trifković, Dragan  ; Khettou, Nabil; Dodić, Marjan  ; Perić, Sreten  ; Milovančević, Milorad  Article
2016Experimental research on the biodegradable universal tractor oil based on the vegetable oilsPeric, S.R.  ; Bucko, M.  ; Stoiljkovic, M.; Nedic, B.; Trifkovic, D.R.  Article
2016On research of the vehicle conversion effects on dynamic performance degradationKhettou, Nabil; Trifković, Dragan  ; Muždeka, Slavko; Grkić, Aleksandar; Perić, Sreten  Article
2016The analytical composition of the biodegradable universal tractor oil based on the vegetable oilsPerić, Sreten  ; Nedić, Bogdan  ; Stoiljkvić M; Antunović RConference Paper
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2016Experimental research of the biodegradable universal tractor oil based on the vegetable oilsPerić, Sreten  ; Bučko, Mihael  ; Nedić, Bogdan  ; Trifković, Dragan  Article
2015Physical and chemical properties of the biodegradable universal tractor oil based on the vegetable oilsNedić, Bogdan  ; Perić, Sreten  ; Vuruna, Mladen  ; Mile StoiljkovićConference Paper
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2014Experimental research of the physicochemical and tribological properties of engine oilsPeric, S.  ; Nedic, B.; Trifkovic, D.  ; Antunovic, R.Article
2014Applicative Monitoring of Vehicles Engine OilPerić, Sreten  ; Nedić Bogdan  ; Grkić AleksandarArticle
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Results 1-20 of 57