

Aflatoxins in maize harvested in the Republic of Serbia over the period 2012-2016 (✓)   [2018]

Kos, Jovana  ; Janić Hajnal, Elizabet  ; Šarić, Bojana  ; Jovanov, Pavle  ; Mandić, Anamarija  ; Đuragić, Olivera  ; Kokić, Bojana  

Organochlorine pesticides and NDL-PCBs in wild boars from flatland region with intensive agricultural activities (✓)   [2021]

Petrović, Jelena  ; Kartalović, Brankica  ; Mirčeta, Jovan; Prodanov-Radulović, Jasna  ; Ratajac, Radomir  ; Mastanjević, Krešimir

Cadmium and lead in female cattle livers and kidneys from Vojvodina, northern Serbia (✓)   [2017]

Tomović, Vladimir  ; Jokanović, Marija  ; Tomović, Mila; Lazović, Milana; Šojić, Branislav  ; Škaljac, Snežana  ; Ivić, Maja ; Kocić-Tanackov, Sunčica  ; Tomašević, Igor  ; Martinović, Aleksandra

Fusarium metabolites in maize from regions of Northern Serbia in 2016-2017 (✓)   [2021]

Radić, Bojana  ; Kos, Jovana  ; Janić Hajnal, Elizabet  ; Malachová, Alexandra; Krska, Rudolf; Sulyok, Michael

Cadmium, lead, mercury and arsenic in fresh vegetables and vegetable products intended for human consumption in the Republic of Serbia, 2015-2017 (✓)   [2023]

Lazović, Milana ; Tomović, Vladimir  ; Vasiljević, Ivana; Kecojević, Isidora; Tomović, Mila; Martinović, Aleksandra; Žugić-Petrović, Tanja; Danilović, Bojana  ; Vujadinović, Dragan; Tomašević, Igor  ;
Smiljanić, Milenko; Đorđević, Vesna  ;

Essential and toxic elements in commercial baby food on the Spanish and Serbian market (✓)   [2017]

Škrbić, Biljana ; Živančev, Jelena  ; Jovanović, Grigorije; Farre, Marinella

Cadmium in meat and edible offal of free-range reared Swallow-belly Mangulica pigs from Vojvodina (northern Serbia) (✓)   [2013]

Jokanović, Marija  ; Tomović, Vladimir  ; Šojić, Branislav  ; Škaljac, Snežana  ; Tasić, Tatjana  ; Ikonić, Predrag  ; Kevrešan, Žarko  


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