

Impact of agro-ecological conditions and fertilization on yield a ecological conditions and fertilization on yield and quality of triticale on pseudogley soil (✓)   [2023]

Rajičić, Vera  ; Popović, Vera  ; Đurić, Nenad  ; Biberdžić, Milan  ; Babić, Violeta  ; Stojiljković, Jelena  ; Grubišić, Mirko  ; Terzić, Dragan  

Seed testing of foliar-fertilised red clover crops after various periods of storage (✓)   [2020]

Tomić, Dalibor  ; Stevović, Vladeta  ; Đurović, Dragan  ; Stanisavljević, Rade  ; Madić, Milomirka  ; Petrović, Mirjana  ; Lazarević, Đorđe  ; Knežević, Jasmina  

Crop Response to Glyphosate Trimesium Sulphosate   [2013]

Pavlović, Danijela  ; Vrbničanin, Sava  ; Reinhardt, Carl

Prunus spinosa L. leaf extracts: polyphenol profile and bioactivities (✓)   [2021]

Veličković, Ivona  ; Žižak, Željko  ; Rajčević, Nemanja  ; Ivanov, Marija  ; Soković, Marina  ; Marin, Petar  ; Grujić, Slavica  

In Vitro Callus Induction from Adult Tissues of Japanese Flowering Cherry Trees and Two Cherry Rootstocks   [2017]

Skocajić, Dragana M.  ; Nesić, Marija M.  ; Nonić, Marina Z.  ; Fotirić-Akšić, Milica  ; Grbić, Mihailo N. ; Dukić, Matilda S.; Sijacić-Nikolić, Mirjana T.  

Essential oil constituents and secondary metabolites of Mentha viridis under tissue culture technique using violet visible light emitting diodes (LEDs)   [2024]

El, banna Heba Y; Alaskar, Abdulaziz A; Jakovljevic, Dragana Z  ; Abdelaal, Khaled; Haroun, Samia A; Abu, Ziada Lina M; Abbas, Mohamed A; Gamel, Rasha ME

Evaluation of In Vitro Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities of Green Microalgae Trentepohlia umbrina   [2012]

Simić, Snežana  ; Kosanić, Marijana  ; Ranković, Branislav 

Graft-take Success in Walnut Under Controlled Conditions and Plant Development in the Nursery   [2012]

Paunović, Svetlana  ; MILETIC, Rade; MITROVIC, Milisav; JANKOVIC, Dragan

Impact of row spacing and seed rate on the production characteristics of the perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and their valorisation (✓)   [2020]

Jovanović-Todorović, Marijana  ; Popović, Vera  ; Vučković, Savo  ; Janković, Snežana  ; Mihailović, Andreja; Ignjatov, Maja  ; Strugar, Vladimir; Lončarević, Velimir  

Stability of the expression of the maize productivity parameters by AMMI models and GGE-biplot analysis (✓)   [2020]

Božović, Dragan  ; Popović, Vera  ; Rajičić, Vera  ; Kostić, Marko  ; Filipović, Vladimir  ; Kolarić, Ljubiša  ; Ugrenović, Vladan  ; Spalević, Velibor


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