

High performance unsaturated polyester based nanocomposites: Effect of vinyl modified nanosilica on mechanical properties   [2016]

Rusmirović, Jelena  ; Trifkovic, K T ; Bugarski, Branko  ; Pavlović, Vladimir B.  ; Džunuzović, Jasna  ; Tomić, Miloš ; Marinković, Aleksandar D.  

ROS-inducing potential, influence of different porogens and in vitro degradation of poly (D,L-lactide-co-glycolide)-based material   [2011]

Stevanović, M.  ; Pavlović, Vladimir  ; Petković, J.; Filipić, M.; Uskoković, Dragan

The detection of the early stages of ageing in an LDPE plus graphite composite by comparison of dielectric responses induced by sinusoidal and triangular signals   [2014]

Petronijević, Ivan M.  ; Simonovic, K.; Marinković, Filip S.  ; Dojčilović, Jablan R. ; Luyt, A. S.; Dudić, Duško  

Surface and thermomechanical characterization of polyurethane networks based on poly(dimethylsiloxane) and hyperbranched polyester   [2013]

Pergal, Marija  ; Džunuzović, Jasna  ; Poreba, R.; Micic, D.  ; Stefanov, P.; Pezo, Lato  ; Spirkova, M.

Effect of surface modified TiO2 nanoparticles on thermal, barrier and mechanical properties of long oil alkyd resin-based coatings (✓)   [2015]

Radoman, Tijana S.  ; Džunuzović, Jasna V.  ; Trifković, Kata T. ; Palija, Tanja  ; Marinković, Aleksandar D.  ; Bugarski, Branko  ; Džunuzović, Enis S.  

A Voronoi-diagram analysis of the microstructures in bulk-molding compounds and its correlation with the mechanical properties (✓)   [2016]

Bertoncelj, Barbara; Vojisavljević, Katarina  ; Rihtarsic, J.; Trefalt, G.; Huskic, M.; Zagar, E.; Malic, Barbara

Self-assembly of nanostructures obtained in a microwave-assisted oxidative polymerization of aniline   [2014]

Gizdavic-Nikolaidis, M. R.; Jevremovic, M. M.; Allison, M. C.; Stanisavljev, Dragomir  ; Bowmaker, G. A.; Zujovic, Z. D.


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