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Browsing by Author Anđus, Pavle

Showing results 1 to 20 of 265  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМp-cat.
2003A change in the pattern of activity affects the developmental regression of the purkinje cell polyinnervation by climbing fibers in the rat cerebellumAnđus, Pavle  ; Zhu, L.; Cesa, R.; Carulli, D.; Strata, P.Article
2018A dash of autoimmunity in ALSBijelić, Dunja; Milošević, Milena  ; Đivković, I; Stević, Zorica; Anđus, Pavle R.  Conference Paper
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2017Aberrant expression and possible pathogenic role of S100B-RAGE in ALSMichetti, Fabrizio; Serrano, Alessia; Donno, Claudia; Giannetti, S; Peric, Mina I  ; Andjus, Pavle R  ; D'Ambrosi, NadiaConference Paper
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2012Actinidin, a protease from kiwifruit, induces changes in morphology and adhesion of T84 intestinal epithelial cellsČavić, Milena  ; Grozdanović, Milica; Bajić, Aleksandar; Srdić-Rajić, Tatjana  ; Andjus, Pavle R.  ; Gavrović-Jankulović, Marija  Article
2018Advanced imaging of cellular markers and stem cell research for theranostics of ALSRadenovic, Lidija  ; Anđus, Pavle R.  Conference Paper
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2018Advances in stem cell therapy for amyotrophic lateral sclerosisMazzini, Letizia; Ferrari, Daniela; Anđus, Pavle  ; Buzanska, Leonora; Cantello, Roberto; De, Marchi Fabiola; Gelati, Maurizio; Giniatullin, Rashid; Glover, Joel C.; Grilli, Mariagrazia;
Kozlova, Elena N.; Maioli, Margherita; Mitrečić, Dinko; Pivoriunas, Augustas; Sanchez-Pernaute, Rosario; Sarnowska, Anna; Vescovi, Angelo L.;
1996ALS IgGs suppress [Ca2+</sup>](i) rise through P/Q-type calcium channels in central neurones in cultureAnđus, Pavle  ; Khiroug, Leonard; Nistri, Andrea; Cherubini, EnricoArticle
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2012Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis IgGs Enhance the Mobility of Lysotracker-Labelled Vesicles in Cultured Rat AstrocytesAnđus, Pavle  ; Stenovec, Matjaz; Milošević, Milena  ; Petrušić, Vladimir; Potokar, Maja; Stević, Zorica; Prebil, Mateja; Kreft, Marko; Trkov, Saša; Zorec, RobertConference Paper
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2011Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis immunoglobulins G enhance the mobility of Lysotracker-labelled vesicles in cultured rat astrocytesStenovec, Matjaz; Milošević, Milena  ; Petrušić, Vladimir; Potokar, Maja; Stević, Zorica  ; Prebil, Mateja; Kreft, Marko; Trkov, Saša; Anđus, Pavle  ; Zorec, RobertArticle
2018Analysis of excitation and inhibition in context of enriched environment in the hippocampus and retroslenial cortex of mice deficient for matrix metaloproteinase 9Jakovljević, Ana; Stamenković, Vera; Anđus, Pavle  Conference Paper
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2018Analysis of excitation and inhibition in terms of enriched environment in the hippocampus and retrosplenial cortex of mice deficient for matrix metaloproteinase 9Jakovljevic, Ana  ; Tucic, Milena; Stamenkovic, Vera; Anđus, Pavle R.  Conference Paper
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2020Analysis of perineuronal net topography in the hippocampus of tenascin-C deficient miceJakovljević A; Efenberkova M; Tucić M; Stamenković V; Anđus, Pavle R.  Conference Paper
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2022Approach for patch-clamping using an upright microscope with z-axis movable stage.Perić, Mina  ; Bataveljić, Danijela  ; Bijelić, Dunja; Milićević, Katarina  ; Andjus, Pavle R.  ; Bogdanović Pristov, Jelena  ; Nikolić, Ljiljana  Article
2024Artificial Intelligence approach to diagnostic Ca2+ signaling in NIMOCHIPKorenić, Andrej  ; Radenović, Lidija  ; Milićević, Katarina  ; Jakovljević, Ana; Lović, Darko; Živančević, Katarina  ; Živković, Irena; Stević, Zorica; Anđus, Pavle R.  Conference Paper
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2021Assessment of cellular and molecular changes in the rat brain after gamma radiation and radioprotection by anisomycinKočović, Dušica M.  ; Bajuk-Bogdanović, Danica  ; Pećinar, Ilinka  ; Božić Nedeljković, Biljana  ; Daković, Marko  ; Andjus, Pavle R.  Article
2019Astrocyte activity in the central nervous system autoimmunityNikolić, Ljiljana M.  ; Dunja Bijelic; Milica Lazarevic  ; Milićević, Katarina D.  ; Miljana Momcilovic  ; Bogdanović Pristov, Jelena J.  ; Petković, Branka B.  ; Anđus, Pavle R.  ; Djordje MiljkovicConference Paper
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2014Astrocytic mitochondrial membrane hyperpolarization following extended oxygen and glucose deprivationKorenić, Andrej  ; Boltze, Johannes; Deten, Alexander; Peters, Myriam; Anđus, Pavle  ; Radenović, Lidija  Article
2023Astroglial Cell-to-Cell Interaction with Autoreactive Immune Cells in Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis Involves P2X7 Receptor, β3-Integrin, and Connexin-43Milićević, Katarina  ; Bataveljić, Danijela  ; Bogdanović Pristov, Jelena  ; Anđus, Pavle  ; Nikolić, Ljiljana  Article
2019Automated functional screening of IgGs for diagnostics of neurodegenerative diseasesAnđus, Pavle R.  Conference Paper
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2009Blood brain barrier alterations in TMT treated rats: neuroimaging and neuromorphologyPizzolante, F.; Anđus, Pavle  ; Bačić, Goran ; Ceccariglia, S.; Daltocolle, A.; Del Fa, A.; Gangitano, C.; Michetti, F.Conference Paper
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