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Browsing by Author Vasiljević-Tomić, Dragana

Showing results 1 to 20 of 67  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМp-cat.
2016Access to All – louder on the term in the academiceducation system at Belgrade UniversityVasiljević-Tomić, Dragana  Conference Paper
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2015Arcitecture: Inclusive culture: Protection of persons with disabilitiesVasiljević-Tomić, Dragana  ; Obradović, Radojko  Article
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2021Arhitektura : istraživanje na prostornim granicama : CosmosVasiljević Tomić, Dragana  ; Pejanović, MiloradMonograph
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2018Biomimikrija i gradVasiljević Tomić, Dragana M.  ; rifat alihodzič; marijana milanovicConference Paper
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2013Blog on Trial: Exposed Fiedl in Architectural Education [STRAND 2013]Vasiljević-Tomić, Dragana  ; Nikezić, Ana  ; Janković, Nataša  ; Ćirić, Dragana  Arch works
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2013Blog on Trial: Exposed Field in Architectural EducationVasiljević-Tomić, Dragana  ; Nikezić, Ana  ; Janković, Nataša  ; Ćirić, Dragana D.  Conference Paper
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2013Blog on Trial: Exposed Field in Architectural Education [Abstract]Vasiljević-Tomić, Dragana  ; Nikezić, Ana  ; Janković, Nataša  ; Ćirić, Dragana  Conference Paper
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2011BOJA GRADA: UTICAJ PRIRODNO-KLIMATSKI USLOVAVasiljević-Tomić, Dragana  ; Miletić, Dejan  Conference Paper
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2011Colour in the city: Principles of nature-climate characteristicsVasiljević-Tomić, Dragana  ; Marić, Igor  Article
2011Boja u prostoru : koloristička kulturaVasiljević-Tomić, Dragana  Book parts
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2014Boja u prostoru – prirodno svetlo u tretiranju ahitektonske teme – bela bojaVasiljević-Tomić, Dragana  ; Ćirić, Dragana D.Conference Paper
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2011Боја у простору: колористичка култураВасиљевић Томић, Драгана  Article
2019Братислав Тошковић - паралелна места - [изложба архитектуре, Галерија СКЦ, Београд 28.10-8.11.2019.] - parallel places - [architecture exhibition, SKC Gallery, Belgrade 28.10-8.11.2019.]Тошковић, БратиславArch works
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2016Color code: identification system of spaceVasiljević-Tomić, Dragana  Conference Paper
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2020Desi[!]n Practices of An "Eco Station" Architectural Desing[!]Vasiljević Tomić, Dragana  ; Popović, Tamara  Conference Paper
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2010Dostupnost za sve-Prostor bez prepreka,(dvojezično izdanje)Vasiljević-Tomić, Dragana  ; Tatjana Karabegović; Marijela CvetićMonograph
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2018EDUKACIJA ARHITEKTURA vs MUZIKAVasiljević Tomić, Dragana M.  Arch works
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2019Ekološki građevinski materijaliVasiljević Tomić, Dragana M.  Conference Paper
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2020Examining the Effects of Urban Planning Practices of Embassy Buildings Onto Public SpacesFilipović, Ivan  ; Vasiljević Tomić, Dragana  Article