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Browsing by Author Višković, Miodrag

Showing results 1 to 20 of 41  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМp-cat.
2023Air pollutants emissions from biomass combustion in the City of Novi Sad, SerbiaNesterovic, Aleksandar  ; Djatkov, Djordje  ; Viskovic, Miodrag  ; Martinov, Milan ; Adamovic, Dragan  Article
2021Airborne Emissions from Agricultural Biomass Combustion in the City of Novi SadNesterovic, Aleksandar  ; Djatkov, Djordje  ; Viskovic, Miodrag  ; Martinov, Milan Conference Paper
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2020Assessing Sustainable Biogas Potentials - Case Study for SerbiaMartinov, Milan ; Scarlat, Nicolae; Đatkov, Đorđe  ; Dallemand, Jean Francois; Višković, Miodrag  ; Zezelj, BorisArticle
2023Биомаса као обновљиви изворЂатков, Ђорђе  ; Вишковић, Миодраг  ; Нестеровић, Александар  ; Мартинов, Милан Text book
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2012Biometan u poljoprivrediGolub, Marko ; Đatkov, Đorđe  ; Martinov, Milan ; Višković Miodrag  Article
2016Corn stover as a biogas substrate – sustainability in terms of GHG emission savingVišković, Miodrag  ; Đatkov, Đorđe  ; Martinov, Milan Conference Paper
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2015Corn stover as a feedstock for advanced biofuels in SerbiaMartinov, Milan ; Đatkov, Đorđe  ; Golub, Marko ; Bojić, Savo  ; Višković, Miodrag  Conference Paper
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2015Corn stover as a feedstock for production of advanced biofuelsMartinov, Milan ; Đatkov, Đorđe  ; Bojić, Savo  ; Golub, Marko ; Miodrag Višković  Conference Paper
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2018Corn stover collection prior to biogas production – Evaluation of greenhouse gas emissionsViskovic, Miodrag  ; Djatkov, Djordje  ; Martinov, Milan Article
2014Crop Residues Potentials and Drought ImpactBojić, Savo  ; Golub, Marko ; Đatkov, Đorđe  ; Martinov, Milan ; Miodrag Višković  Article
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2013Green energy and rural development - role of high educationMartinov, Milan ; Đatkov, Đorđe  ; Golub, Marko ; Višković Miodrag  Conference Paper
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2016Green Energy and Rural Development - Role of High EducationMartinov, Milan ; Košutić S.; Đatkov, Đorđe  ; Višković, Miodrag  Conference Paper
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2021Greenhouse Gas Emission Savings of Electricity Generated from Biogas Produced from Corn StoverVišković, Miodrag  ; Đatkov, Djordje  ; Martinov, MilanArticle
2013Harvestable and on-field remaining crop residues of wheat and soybeanGolub, Marko ; Martinov, Milan ; Višković, Miodrag  ; Đatkov, Đorđe  ; Veselinov B.; Bojić, Savo  Conference Paper
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2016Investigation on Possibilities for Sustainable Provision of Corn Stover as an Energy Source: Case Study for VojvodinaGolub, Marko ; Martinov, Milan ; Bojić, Savo  ; Višković, Miodrag  ; Đatkov, Đorđe  ; Dragutinović, G. ; Dallemand F.J.Article
2015Investigation on possibilities of biomethane production from corn stover in VojvodinaĐatkov, Đorđe  ; Višković, Miodrag  ; J. Rajcetic; Golub, Marko ; Martinov, Milan Conference Paper
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2012Istraživanje ukupnog i raspoloživog prinosa žetvenih ostataka soje, 2011. i 2012.Bojić, Savo  ; Branislav Veselinov ; Golub, Marko ; Đatkov, Đorđe  ; Martinov, Milan ; Višković Miodrag  Article
2011Korišćenje ambalaže pesticida kao gorivaBojić, Savo  ; Golub, Marko ; Đatkov, Đorđe  ; Martinov, Milan ; Višković Miodrag  ; Radusin Milan; Ogrizović BrankoArticle
2017LCB production based on corn stover - Preliminary feasibility study for SerbiaMARTINOV, MILAN L. ; P. Canciani; ĐATKOV, ĐORĐE M.  ; VIŠKOVIĆ, MIODRAG I.  ; GOLUB, MARKO M. Conference Paper
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2022Manure in Serbia - quantities and greenhouse gas emissionVišković, Miodrag  ; Đatkov, Đorđe  ; Nesterović, Aleksandar  ; Martinov, Milan; Cvetković, Slobodan  Article