Browsing eNauka

Browsing by Author Đerić, Jovan

Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМp-cat.
2014Augmentovana realnost – istorijske analogije, primena i budućnostĐerić, Jovan  ; Šiđanin, Predrag  Book parts
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2012Complex augmented reality for Liberty square in Novi SadĐerić, Jovan  ; Stojaković, Vesna  ; Tepavčević, Bojan  Conference Paper
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2011Conceptual design for the Traditional mountain house - Challenges of implementing competition in a CurriculumĐerić, Jovan  ; D. ĐukanovićArticle
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2015Improving Quality of Life by Planning the Coastline of Novi SadApostolović, Dijana  ; Bandić, Aleksandra  ; Đerić, Jovan  ; Hiel, Ksenija  Conference Paper
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2014Influence of colour as a design feature on the perception of the architectural objectBandić, Aleksandra  ; Đerić, Jovan  ; Hiel, Ksenija  ; BRKLjAČ, DIJANA  Conference Paper
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2017Mogućnost korišćenja BIM tehnologije u procesima ishodovanja projektne dokumentacijeĐERIĆ, JOVAN M.  ; ŠIĐANIN, PREDRAG S.  Book parts
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2014Obrazovanje studenata arhitekture o energetskoj efikasnostiĐerić, Jovan  ; Hiel, Ksenija  Conference Paper
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2014Potential of abandoned industrial spaces located along waterfronts in Novi SadĐerić, Jovan  ; Hiel, Ksenija  ; Bandić, Aleksandra  ; BRKLjAČ, DIJANA  Conference Paper
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2011Predlog strategije za unapređenje univerzitetskog kampusa u Novom SaduJ. Bugarski; Carević, Marina  ; Đerić, Jovan  Book parts
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2015Role of Urban Morphology in Establishing of the Urban ContextApostolović, Dijana  ; Bandić, Aleksandra  ; Hiel, Ksenija  ; Đerić, Jovan  Conference Paper
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2014Simbolic importance of vertical dominants on the public facilities along the Mihajlo Pupin boulevard in Novi SadBandić, Aleksandra  ; Đerić, Jovan  ; BRKLjAČ, DIJANA  ; Hiel, Ksenija  Conference Paper
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2014Sistematizacija i digitalizacija podataka graditeljskog nasleđa na teritoriji Novog SadaĐerić, Jovan  Book parts
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2011The Possibilities of Spatial Evolution of the University of Novi SadJadranka; Carević, Marina  ; Đerić, Jovan  Conference Paper
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2015Urban Blocks of Residential High Rise Buildings in Novi SadHiel, Ksenija  ; Đerić, Jovan  ; Apostolović, Dijana  ; Bandić, Aleksandra  Conference Paper
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