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Browsing by Author Jakšić, Snežana

Showing results 1 to 20 of 179  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМp-cat.
2013Accumulation of heavy metals in Medicago sativa L. and Trifolium pratense L. at the contaminated fluvisolJakšić, Snežana  ; Vučković, Savo  ; Vasiljević, Sanja  ; Grahovac, Nada  ; Popović, Vera  ; Šunjka, Dragana B.  ; Dozet, Gordana Article
2013Accumulation of nickel in red cloverJakšić, Snežana  ; Vasin, Jovica  ; Vasiljević, Sanja  ; Grahovac, Nada  ; Popović, Vera  ; Šunjka, Dragana  ; Mijić, BrankaConference Paper
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2013Accumulation of nickel in red Clover (Trifolium pratense L.)Jakšić, Snežana P.  ; Vasin, Jovica R.  ; Vasiljević, Sanja Lj.  ; Grahovac, Nada L.  ; Popović, Vera  ; Šunjka, Dragana B.  ; Mijić BrankaConference Paper
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2012Accumulation of nickel in Trifolium pratense L. grown in contaminated soilJakšić, Snežana  ; Vučković, Savo  ; Vasiljević, Sanja  ; Grahovac Nada  ; Popović, Vera  ; Gordana Dozet; Duronić, G.Conference Paper
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2012Akumulacija nikla u Trifolium pratense L. gajenom na kontaminiranom tluJakšić, S.  ; Vučković, S.; Vasiljević, Sanja  ; Grahovac, Nada  ; Popović, Vera  ; Dozet, G.; Duronić, G.Conference Paper
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2012Akumulacija nikla u Trifolium pratense L. gajenoj na kontaminiranom tluJakšić, Snežana P.  ; Vučković, Savo M.  ; Vasiljević, Sanja Lj.  ; Grahovac, Nada L.  ; Popović, Vera M.  ; Dozet, Gordana K. Conference Paper
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2013Analytical method validation for the determination of sulfonylurea herbicides in water samples by solid-phase extraction and HPLC with diode-array detection.Grahovac, Nada  ; Suturović, Zvonimir ; Kondić-Špika, Ankica  ; Sekulić, Petar ; Lazić, Sanja  ; Šunjka, Dragana  ; Jakšić, Snežana  Conference Paper
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2013Analytical validation method for the determination of sulfonylurea herbicides in water samples by solid-phase extraction and HPLC with diode-array detectonLazić, Sanja  ; Šunjka, Dragana  ; Grahovac Nada  ; Suturović Zvonimir; Kondić-Špika Ankica  ; Sekulić Petar ; Jakšić Snežana  Conference Paper
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2012Application of response surface methodology (RSM) for determination of pesticide residues in waterŠunjka, Dragana  ; Lazić, Sanja  ; Grahovac, Nada  ; Jakšić, Snežana  ; Vuković, Slavica M.  Conference Paper
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2024Bio-Priming with Bacillus Isolates Suppresses Seed Infection and Improves the Germination of Garden Peas in the Presence of Fusarium StrainsMiljaković, Dragana  ; Marinković, Jelena  ; Tamindžić, Gordana  ; Milošević, Dragana  ; Ignjatov, Maja  ; Karačić, Vasiljka; Jakšić, Snežana  Article
2021Bioaccumulation of chromium in Medicago sativa L. and Trifolium pratense L. on different soil types of SerbiaJakšić, Snežana  ; Vučković, Savo; Ninkov, Jordana  ; Vasin, Jovica  ; Milić, Stanko  ; Živanov, Milorad  ; Komlen, VedranaConference Paper
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2021Bioaccumulation of chromium in Medico sativa L. and Trifolium pratense L. on different soil types of SerbiaJakšić, Snežana  ; Vučković, Savo; Ninkov, Jordana  ; Vasin, Jovica  ; Milić, Stanko  ; Živanov, Milorad  ; Komlen, VedranaKonferencijski rad
Mp kategorija će biti prikazana naknadno.
2024Cereal-legume intercropping for enhancing soil fertility in sustainable agricultureJakšić, Snežana  ; Ninkov, Jordana  ; Milić, Stanko  ; Vasin, Jovica  ; Banjac, Dušana  ; Živanov, Milorad  ; Anđelić, Dunja  Konferencijski rad
Mp kategorija će biti prikazana naknadno.
2020Changes in the available phosphorus content of the agricultural soil of the Vojvodina Province, SerbiaJakšić, Snežana P.  ; Jovica Vasin  ; Jordana Ninkov  ; Milorad Živanov  ; Zora Lujić; Popović, Vera M.  ; Dozet, Gordana K. Конференцијски рад
Мп категорија ће бити приказана накнадно.
2020Characterization of soil and sediments of Russands saline habitatNinkov, Jordana M.  ; Vasin Jovica  ; Kicošev Vesna; Milić Stanko  ; Jakšić Snežana  ; Živanov Milorad  ; Lujić ZoraКонференцијски рад
Мп категорија ће бити приказана накнадно.
2016Content and distribution of nickel in agricultural soils of Vojvodina (Republic of Serbia)Ninkov, Jordana  ; Banjac, Dušana  ; Jakšić, Snežana  ; Vasin, Jovica  ; Milić, Stanko  ; Živanov, Milorad  Conference Paper
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2019Content of manganese in alfalfaJakšić, Snežana P.  ; Livija Maksimović; Popović, Vera M.  ; Godana DozetConference Paper
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2015Copper content in vineyard solis of Central Serbia caused by copper based fungicides applicationNinkov, Jordana  ; Milić, Stanko  ; Vasin, Jovica  ; Jakšić, Snežana  ; Banjac, Dušana  ; Živanov, Milorad  Conference Paper
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2018Decrease of organic matter from chernozems of Vojvodina Province, SerbiaNinkov, Jordana M.  ; Milić, Stanko B.  ; Vasin, Jovica R.  ; Jakšić, Snežana P.  ; Marinković, Jelena B.  ; Bjelić, Dragana D.  Conference Paper
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2019Decrease of soil fertility in Vojvodina (Northern Serbia) in the function of food productionVasin, Jovica R.  ; Jordana Ninkov  ; Snežana Jakšić  ; Stanko Milić  ; Milorad Živanov  ; Branka Mijić; Banjac, Dušana D.  Conference Paper
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