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Browsing by Author Knežević, Aleksandra

Showing results 1 to 20 of 126  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМ-cat.
2007Absence of KCNQ1-dependent K+ fluxes in proximal tubular cells of frog kidneyČemerikić, Dušan; Nešović Ostojić, Jelena  ; Popadić, Dušan  ; Knežević, Aleksandra  ; Dragović, Simon; Milovanović, Aleksandar  ; Milovanović, Jovica  Article
2023Analysis of evolutionary and transmission dynamics of human immunodeficiency virus in Serbia and the Balkans (✓)Jovanović, Luka  Doctoral theses
2006Arboviral infectionsKnežević, Aleksandra  ; Jovanović, Tanja  Conference Paper
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2012Cervical Human Papillomavirus Infection in Serbia: risk Factors, Prevalence and Genotype Distribution in Women with Normal Cervical CytologyKnežević, Aleksandra  ; Aleksic, Gordana; Soldatović, Ivan  ; Banko, Ana  ; Jovanović, Tanja  Article
2011Changing trends in mortality of thyroid cancer in Belgrade populationBukvić, B.; Šipetić, Sandra  ; Kalezić, Nevena  ; Diklić, Aleksandar; Paunović, Ivan ; Kovačević, Bojan  ; Knežević, Aleksandra  ; Živaljević, Vladan  Article
2022Цитомегаловирусна инфекција и фактори ризика за њен настанак код деце после трансплантације бубрега (✓)Цветковић, Мирјана  ; Спасојевић, Бранкица  ; Гојковић, Ивана; Кнежевић, Александра  ; Милошевски-Ломић, Гордана; Париповић, Душан  ; Костић, Мирјана Conference Paper
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2023Clinical efficacy of anti‐SARS‐CoV‐2 monoclonal antibodies in preventing hospitalisation and mortality among patients infected with Omicron variants: A systematic review and meta‐analysis (✓)Miljanović, Danijela  ; Ćirković, Anđa  ; Lazarević, Ivana  ; Knežević, Aleksandra  ; Ćupić, Maja  ; Banko, Ana  Article
2019CMV infection after kidney transplantation – single centre experienceCvetković M; Spasojević B.; Gojković I.; Knežević, Aleksandra M.  ; Kruščić D.; Miloševski-Lomić G.; Paripović D.; Kostić M.Conference Paper
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2020Comparison of HPV detection rate in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues of head and neck carcinoma using two DNA extraction kits and three amplification methods (✓)Bozic, Ljiljana; Jovanovic, Tanja P; Smitran, Aleksandra; Jankovic, Marko  ; Knezevic, Aleksandra M  Article
2007Conventional and molecular methods in diagnosis and monitoring of viral infection (✓)Ćupić, Maja  ; Lazarević, Ivana  ; Knežević, Aleksandra  ; Stanojević, Maja  Article
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2009Correlation between results of PCR and specific serological tests in diagnosis of Epstein-Barr virus in patients with mononucleosis syndrome (✓)Banko, Ana V.  ; Lazarević, Ivana B.  ; Ćupić, Maja D.  ; Knežević, Aleksandra M.  ; Stevanović, Goran D.  ; Krejović-Trivić, Sanja B.  ; Jovanović, Tanja P.  Article
2010Correlation between results of specific serological tests and PCR in diagnosis of Epstein-Barr virus in patients with mononucleosis syndromeBanko, Ana  ; Lazarević, Ivana  ; Ćupić, Maja  ; Knežević, Aleksandra  ; Stevanović, Goran  ; Jovanović, Tanja  Conference Paper
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2020Cytomegalovirus glycoprotein B and N genotypes in pediatric recipients of the hematopoietic stem cell transplant (✓)Jankovic, Marko  ; Cupic, Maja D; Knezevic, Aleksandra M  ; Vujic, Dragana S; Soldatovic, Ivan A  ; Zecevic, Zeljko; Gobeljic, Borko; Jovanovic, Tanja PArticle
2022Cytomegalovirus infection may be oncoprotective against neoplasms of B-lymphocyte lineage: single-institution experience and survey of global evidenceJankovic, Marko  ; Knezevic, Aleksandra M  ; Todorovic, Milena R; Dunic, Irena; Mihaljevic, Biljana S ; Soldatovic, Ivan A  ; Protic, Jelena; Mikovic, Nevenka; Stoiljkovic, Vera; Jovanovic, Tanja PArticle
2022Cytomegalovirus infection may be oncoprotective against neoplasms of B-lymphocyte lineage: single-institution experience and survey of global evidence (✓)Janković, Marko  ; Knežević, Aleksandra  ; Todorović, Milena  ; Đunić, Irena  ; Mihaljević, Biljana ; Soldatović, Ivan  ; Protić, Jelena  ; Miković, Nevenka; Stoiljković, Vera; Jovanović, Tanja  Article
2022Detection and characterisation of porcine circoviruses in wild boars in northeastern Serbia (✓)Nišavić, Jakov  ; Milić, Nenad  ; Radalj, Andrea  ; Mirilović, Milorad  ; Vejnović, Branislav  ; Ćosić, Milivoje  ; Knežević, Aleksandra  ; Veljović, Ljubiša  ; Živulj, AleksandarArticle
2017Detekcija i genotipizacija humanog citomegalovirusa i Epštajn-Bar virusa u hroničnim periapikalnim lezijamaJakovljević, Aleksandar  Doctoral theses
2007Disseminated neonatal herpes caused by herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 (✓)Knežević, Aleksandra  ; Martić, Jelena  ; Stanojević, Maja  ; Janković, Saša; Nedeljković, Jasminka ; Nikolić, Ljubica; Pašić, Srđan  ; Janković, Borisav; Jovanović, Tanja  Article
2013Distribucija genotipova Humanih papiloma virusa u tkivima karcinoma grlića matericeM. Stamenković; Knežević, Aleksandra  ; I. Kuzmanović; Karalić, Danijela  ; Jovanović, Tanja  Conference Paper
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2017Distribution and genotype variability of HPV on female cervix uteri in SerbiaKnežević, Aleksandra M.  Conference Paper
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