Showing results 1 to 20 of 173
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Type | Мp-cat. |
2017 | 150 Years of the Josimovic’s Proposal for the Regulation of the Belgrade’s Town in a Moat | Niković, Ana ; Manić, Božidar ; Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana  | Conference Paper | |
2024 | A Contribution to the Integration of International, National and Local Cultural Heritage Protection in Planning Methodology: A Case Study of the Djerdap Area | Nikovic, Ana S ; Manic, Bozidar J ; Colic-Markovic, Natasa ; Krunic, Nikola M  | Article | |
2018 | A Possibility of Introducing the Concept of Form Into Urban Planning in Serbia | Niković, Ana ; Manić, Božidar  | Article | |
2023 | Air pollution modeling to support strategic environmental assessment: case study—National Emission Reduction Plan for coal-fired thermal power plants in Serbia | Josimović, Boško ; Todorović, Dušan ; Jovović, Aleksandar ; Manić, Božidar  | Article | |
2007 | An approach to study of methods for urban analysis and urban fabric renewal in observation of a city as a multiple fractal structure | Bogdanov, Ana ; Manić, Božidar ; Petrić, Jasna  | Article | |
2009 | Приступ проучавању новије сакралне архитектуре у Србији – анализа могућности развоја модела православног храма | Манић, Божидар  | Other | |
2009 | Architecture of villas as an element of identity of Vrnjačka Banja | Marić, Igor ; Bogdanov, Ana ; Manić, Božidar  | Article | |
2009 | Architecture: Borders, manifestos, utopian visions: Retrospection at the eleventh Venice Biennale | Čarapić, Ana; Simonović, Sanja ; Manić, Božidar  | Article | |
2021 | Arhitektura : istraživanje na prostornim granicama : Cosmos | Vasiljević Tomić, Dragana ; Pejanović, Milorad | Monograph | |
2018 | Arhitektura i studije izvođenja : aspekt performativnosti | Simonović Alfirević, Sanja  | Monograph | |
2011 | Bela Crkva urban morphology analysis with aim of improving urban structure and built space | Niković, Ana ; Manić, Božidar ; Marić, Igor  | Article | |
2020 | Building a Common Platform: Integrative and Territorial Approach to Planning Cultural Heritage within the Framework of the Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia 2021-2035 | Niković, Ana ; Manić, Božidar  | Conference Paper | |
2023 | Изазови непосредног спровођења стратешких планских докумената – планови јединица локалне самоуправе са уређајним основама | Манић, Божидар ; Крунић, Никола ; Никовић, Ана  | Conference Paper | |
2020 | Climate change adaptation within urban planning in Serbia | Crnčević, Tijana ; Niković, Ana ; Manić, Božidar  | Conference Paper | |
2016 | Contemporary architectural and urban design practice in Belgrade and Serbia through the perspective of urban morphology approach | Niković, Ana ; Manić, Božidar ; Đokić, Vladan ; Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana  | Conference Paper | |
2015 | Contemporary architectural and urban design practice in Belgrade and Serbia through the perspective of urban morphology approach | Niković, Ana ; Manić, Božidar ; Đokić, Vladan ; Roter-Blagojević, Mirjana  | Conference Paper | |
2015 | Contemporary architectural practice: Institutional framework and building rules | Niković, Ana ; Manić, Božidar ; Maruna, Marija  | Article | |
2016 | Contemporary Serbian orthodox church architecture: Architectural competitions since 1990 | Manić, Božidar ; Tomić, D.V.; Niković, Ana  | Article | |
2007 | Прилог истраживању принципа одрживе архитектуре кроз анализу могућности примене система двоструких фасада | Марић, Игор ; Богданов, Ана ; Манић, Божидар  | Conference Paper | |
2022 | Creating more sustainable social housing in Serbia: A conceptual framework for architectural and urban design | Njegić, Tanja ; Manić, Božidar ; Lojanica, Vladimir  | Article | |