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Browsing by Author Milanović, Slađan

Showing results 1 to 20 of 133  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМp-cat.
20122.229 DYSKINESIA IN PARKINSON'S DISEASE — IMPAIRMENTS OF INHIBITION DURING VOLUNTARY CONTRACTION. A TRANSCRANIAL MAGNETIC STIMULATION (TMS) STUDYFilipović, Saša  ; Kačar, Aleksandra  ; Kresojević, N.; Jelić, Milan  ; Milanović, Slađan  ; Dragašević Mišković, Nataša  ; Ljubisavljević, M.; Kostić, Vladimir  Article
1997A comparison of the effects of agonist and antagonist muscle fatigue on performance of rapid movementsJarić, S; Radovanović, Saša  ; Milanović, Slađan  ; Ljubisavljević, Miloš  ; Anastasijević, RArticle
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2015A Vision-Based System for Movement Analysis in Medical Applications: The Example of Parkinson DiseaseSpasojević, Sofija ; Santos-Victor, Jose; Ilić, Tihomir V. ; Milanović, Slađan  ; Potkonjak, Veljko ; Rodić, Aleksandar  Conference Paper
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2014AGE RELATED ANTIOXIDATIVE POTENTIAL IN HIPPOCAMPUS DUE TO SINGLE THETA BURST STIMULATIONNinković, Milica  ; Mančić, Bojana  ; Stevanović, Ivana; Milanović, Slađan  ; Ilić, Tihomir Conference Paper
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2014Age related antioxidative potential in hippocampus due to single theta burst stimulation sessionIlić, Tihomir ; Ninković, Milica  ; Mančić, Bojana  ; Stevanović, Ivana  ; Milanović, Slađan  Conference Paper
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2023Impact of UV radiation and temperature on the spongy moth and the brown-tail moth in SerbiaMilanović, Slobodan  ; Mihailović, Dragutin T. ; Lakićević, Milena  ; Đurđević, Vladimir  ; Malinović-Milićević, Slavica  ; Milanović, Sladjan D.  ; Trailović, ZoranArticle
2017Bilateral sequential motor cortex stimulation and skilled task performance with non-dominant handJelić, Milan  ; Filipović, Saša  ; Milanović, Slađan  ; Stevanović, Vuk B.  ; Konstantinović, Ljubica  Article
2013Bilateral Sequential Motor Cortex Stimulation Improves Skilled Task LearningJelić, Milan  ; Milanović, Slađan  ; Stevanović, Vuk  ; Filipović, Saša  Conference Paper
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2021Bilateral sequential TBS in rehabilitation of post-stroke hemiparesis - feasibility and safety studyFilipović, Saša R.  ; Jelić, Milan B.  ; Milanović, Slađan D.  ; Konstantinović, Ljubica M.  Conference Paper
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1996Central changes in muscle fatigue during sustained submaximal isometric voluntary contraction as revealed by transcranial magnetic stimulationLjubisavljević, Miloš  ; Milanović, Slađan  ; Radovanović, Saša  ; Vukcević, I; Kostić, V; Anastasijević, RArticle
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2017Changes in cortical excitability during paired associative stimulation in Parkinson's disease patients and healthy subjectsKačar, Aleksandra  ; Milanović, Slađan  ; Filipović, Saša  ; Ljubisavljević, Miloš  Article
2006Changes in cortical inhibition during task-specific contractions in primary writing tremor patientsLjubisavljević, Miloš R.  ; Kačar, Aleksandra  ; Milanović, Slađan  ; Svetel, Marina  ; Kostić, Vladimir  Article
1998Changes in fusimotor activity during repetitive lengthening muscle contractions in decerebrate catsLjubisavljević, Miloš  ; Kalezić, I; Radovanović, Saša  ; Milanović, Slađan  ; Blesić, Suzana  ; Anastasijević, RArticle
2013Changes in motor cortex excitability associated with muscle fatigue in patients with Parkinson's diseaseMilanović, Slađan  ; Filipović, Saša  ; Radovanović, Saša M.  ; Blesić, Suzana  ; Ilić, Nela V.  ; Kostić, Vladimir S.  ; Ljubisavljević, Miloš  Article
1999Changes in movement final position associated with agonist and antagonist muscle fatigueJarić, S; Blesić, Suzana  ; Milanović, Slađan  ; Radovanović, Saša  ; Ljubisavljević, Miloš  ; Anastasijević, RArticle
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1999Changes in movement kinematics during single-joint movements against expectedly and unexpectedly changed inertial loadsJarić, S; Milanović, Slađan  ; Blesić, Suzana  ; Latash, MLArticle
2000Changes in movement variables associated with transient overshoot of the final positionMilanović, Slađan  ; Blesić, Suzana  ; Jarić, SArticle
2012Chronic changes of hematocrit value alter blood pressure and glomerular filtration in spontaneously hypertensive ratsMilanović, Slađan  ; Jovović, Đurđica  ; Mihailović-Stanojević, Nevena  ; Grujić-Milanović, Jelica  ; Ivanov, Milan  ; Karanović, Danijela  ; Miloradović, Zoran  Article
2017Combined Vision and Wearable Sensors-based System for Movement Analysis in RehabilitationSpasojević, Sofija ; Ilić, Tihomir V. ; Milanović, Slađan  ; Potkonjak, Veljko ; Rodić, Aleksandar  ; Santos-Victor, JoseArticle
2015Comparative effectiveness of facilitatory NIBS methods in improving performance of a complex motor taskFilipović, Saša  ; Jelić, Milan  ; Milanović, Slađan  ; Stevanović, Vuk  ; Konstantinović, Ljubica  Article