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Browsing by Author Popović, Maja

Showing results 1 to 20 of 110  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМp-cat.
2024Acetamiprid's degradation products and mechanism: Part II – Inert atmosphere and charge storagePopadić, Daliborka; Krstić, Jugoslav  ; Janošević-Ležaić, Aleksandra  ; Popović, Maja  ; Milojević-Rakić, Maja  ; Ignjatović, Ljubiša  ; Bajuk-Bogdanović, Danica  ; Gavrilov, Nemanja  Article
2023Amorphous non-doped and Se-, Cu-, and Zn-doped Sb2S3 nanoparticles prepared by a hot-injection method: bandgap tuning and possible observation of the quantum size effectValidžić, Ivana Lj.  ; Popović, Maja  ; Potočnik, Jelena  ; Graf, Christina; Joschko, Maximilian; Kuznetsova, Yulia A.; Zatsepin, Dmitry A.Article
2006An simple technique for synthesis of carbon nanotubes by underwater arc plasmaĆasić, Nebojša; Stoiljković, Milovan  ; Kuzmanović, Miroslav M.  ; Novaković, Mirjana M.  ; Popović, Maja  Conference Paper
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2016Analiza ilustrativnosti u osnovnoškolskim udžbenicima hemijeHrin, Tamara  ; Segedinac, Mirjana ; Milenković, Dušica  ; M. Popović  ; Rančić, Ivana  Article
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2015Annealing effects on the properties of TiN thin filmsPopović, Maja  ; Novaković, Mirjana M.  ; Bibić, Nataša M. Article
2018Anomalous magnetic properties of CaRuO3 probed by AC and DC magnetic measurements and by low Ti impurity dopingBradarić, Ivica  ; Matić, Vladimir M.  ; Savić, Ilija; Rakočević, Zlatko Lj. ; Popović, Maja  ; Destraz, Daniel; Keller, HugoArticle
2015Argon Irradiation Effects on the Structural and Optical Properties of Reactively Sputtered CrN FilmsNovaković, Mirjana M.  ; Popović, Maja  ; Bibić, Nataša M. Article
2020Bifunctional catalytic activity of Zn1−xFexO toward the OER/ORR: seeking an optimal stoichiometryRajić, Vladimir  ; Stojković Simatović, Ivana  ; Veselinović, Ljiljana  ; Belošević Čavor, Jelena  ; Novaković, Mirjana  ; Popović, Maja  ; Škapin, Srečo Davor; Mojović, Miloš  ; Stojadinović, Stevan  ; Rac, Vladislav  ;
Janković Častvan, Ivona  ; Marković, Smilja  ;
2008Biocompatible nanostructure materialsNenadović, Miloš  ; Novaković, Mirjana M.  ; Popović, Maja  ; Rakočević, Zlatko Lj. ; Nenadović, T.Conference Paper
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2024Carbon quantum dots surface chemistry: Evaluation of Photo and Cytotoxic activityPrekodravac, Jovana  ; Vasiljević, Bojana R.  ; Žakula, Jelena  ; Popović, Maja  ; Pavlović, Vladimir  ; Ciasca, Gabriele; Romanò, Sabrina; Todorović Marković, Biljana  Article
2023Characterization and photocatalytic application of SrGd2O4 doped with rare earth Sm3+ and Dy3+ ionsStamenković, Tijana  ; Pjević, Dejan  ; Krstić, Jugoslav  ; Popović, Maja  ; Rajić, Vladimir  ; Lojpur, Vesna  Article
2017Clustering of gold particles in Au implanted CrN thin films: The effect on the SPR peak positionNovaković, Mirjana M.  ; Popović, Maja  ; Schmidt, Emanuel O.; Mitrić, Miodrag  ; Bibić, Nataša M. ; Rakočević, Zlatko Lj. ; Ronning, CarstenArticle
2018Confirmation of Incorporation of Cu and Se Ions in Applied p- and n-Type-Doped Sb2S3 by Photoemission SpectroscopyValidžić, Ivana Lj.  ; Popović, Maja  ; Lojpur, Vesna  ; Bundaleski, Nenad  ; Rakočević, Zlatko Lj. Article
2021Control of porosity and optical properties of slanted columnar Ni thin filmsPotočnik, Jelena  ; Popović, Maja  ; Mitrić, Miodrag N.  ; Rakočević, Zlatko Lj. Article
2018Copper-polyaniline nanocomposite: Role of physicochemical properties on the antimicrobial activity and genotoxicity evaluationBogdanović, Una  ; Dimitrijević, Suzana  ; Škapin, Srečo Davor; Popović, Maja  ; Rakočević, Zlatko Lj. ; Leskovac, Andreja  ; Petrović, Sandra  ; Stoiljković, Milovan  ; Vodnik, Vesna  Article
2018Correlation between damage evolution, structural and optical properties of Xe implanted CrN thin filmsPopović, Maja  ; Novaković, Mirjana M.  ; Zhang, Kun; Mitrić, Miodrag  ; Bibić, Nataša M.; Rakočević, Zlatko Lj. Article
2014Dependence of high density polyethylene XPS spectrum on electron flood gun parametersKisić, Danilo  ; Popović, Maja  ; Rakočević, Zlatko Article
2019Different approaches for enhancing photocatalytic properties of TiO2:Au thin films deposited by DC sputteringPjević, Dejan J.  ; Peruško, Davor  ; Savić, Tatjana  ; Novaković, Mirjana  ; Popović, Maja  ; Potočnik, Jelena  ; Petrović, Suzana  Conference Paper
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2019Doping of TiO2 nanotubes with nitrogen by annealing in ammonia for visible light activation: Influence of pre- and post-annealing in airBjelajac, Anđelika ; Petrović, Rada  ; Popović, Maja  ; Rakočević, Zlatko Lj. ; Socol, Gabriel; Mihailescu, Ion N.; Janaćković, Đorđe  Article
2019Dry-pressed anodized titania nanotube/CH3NH3PbI3 single crystal heterojunctions: The beneficial role of N dopingVujančević, Jelena  ; Andričević, Pavao; Bjelajac, Anđelika ; Đokić, Veljko  ; Popović, Maja  ; Rakočević, Zlatko ; Horváth, Endre; Kollár, Márton; Náfrádi, Bálint; Schiller, Andreas;
Domanski, Konrad; Forró, Laszlo; Pavlović, Vera P.  ; Janaćković, Đorđe  ;