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Browsing by Author Rakić, Dragan

Showing results 1 to 20 of 24  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМp-cat.
20231MP and MP1 inverses and one-sided star orders in a ring with involutionDragan Rakić  ; Martin Z. Ljubenović  Article
2014A Collection of Mathematical Tasks For Future Students of Mechanical EngineeringPetković, Ljiljana ; Rajković, Predrag  ; Mitrović, Melanija  ; Radović, Ljiljana  ; Živković, Dragan ; Rakić, Dragan  Monograph
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2017A note on Rao and Mitra's constrained inverse and Drazin's (b, c) inverseRakić, Dragan  Article
2018A note on topological direct sum of subspacesRakić, Dragan S.  ; Dragan Đorđević  Article
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2014Core inverse and core partial order of Hilbert space operatorsRakić, Dragan  ; Dinčić, Nebojša  ; Đorđević, Dragan  Article
2012Decomposition of a Ring Induced by Minus Partial OrderRakić, Dragan  Article
2015Generalization of Sharp and Core Partial Order Using AnnihilatorsRakić, Dragan  Article
2014Group, Moore-Penrose, core and dual core inverse in rings with involutionRakić, Dragan  ; Dinčić, Nebojša  ; Đorđević, Dragan  Article
2022Infinite Topological Direct Sum of SubspacesRakić, Dragan  ; Djordjević, DraganArticle
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2024Leibniz rule for the high q$$ q $$‐derivatives of a quotient of two functionsRajković, Predrag  ; Rakić, Dragan  ; Marinkovic, Sladjana  Article
2019Linear preservers of DSS-weak majorization on discrete Lebesgue space l1(I), when I is an infinite setLjubenović, Martin  ; Rakić, Dragan  ; Djordjević, Dragan S.  Article
2023Математика 1 - одабрани задаци и проблеми са прегледом теорије и применамаRakić, Dragan  ; Ljubenović, Martin  ; Radović, Ljiljana  Monograph
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2015Minus partial order in Rickart ringsĐorđević, Dragan  ; Rakić, Dragan  ; MAROVT, JANKOArticle
2023On the average value of a function of generalized meanRakić, Dragan  Article
2022On the star and minus orders on Hilbert space operatorsRakic, Dragan S  ; Ljubenovic, Martin Z  Article
2015Parcijalna uređenja određena uopštenim inverzima i anulatorimaRakić, Dragan S.  Doctoral theses
2015Partial orders in rings based on generalized inverses - unified theoryRakić, Dragan  ; Đorđević, Dragan  Article
2023Пертурбације уопштених инверза елемената у прстенимаMihajlović, Nadica  Doctoral theses
2013Space pre-order and minus partial order for operators on Banach spacesRakić, Dragan  ; Đorđević, Dragan  Article
2014Star, left-star, and right-star partial orders in Rickart ∗-ringsMarovt, Janko; Rakić, Dragan  ; Đorđević, Dragan  Article