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Browsing by Author Ranđelović, Vladimir

Showing results 1 to 20 of 204  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМ-cat.
201913th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighbouring Regions, Abstracts. (✓)Ranđelović, Vladimir ; Stojanović-Radić, Z.  ; Nikolić, Danijela  Other
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202214 th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighboring Regions,Kladovo, 26th to 29th June 2022, Book of Abstracts (✓)Conference Paper
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202214th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighbouring Regions, Abstracts. (✓)Ranđelović, Vladimir ; Stojanović-Radić, Z.  ; Nikolić, Danijela  ; Jenačković Gocić, D.  Other
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2017A cocktail of tall emergent vegetation - Phragmitetalia, Bolboschoenetalia maritimi and Magnocaricetalia (WetVegEurope results)F. Landucci; L. Tichý; K. Šumberová; M. Chytrý; L. Aunina; C. Biţă-Nicolae; A. Bobrov; L. Borsukevych; A. Čarni; J. Csiky;
Cvijanović, Dušanka Lj.  ; E. De Bie; D. Dubyna; P. Dimopoulos; T. Dziuba; Ú. FitzPatrick; X. Font; D. Gigante; V. Golub; S. Hennekens; D. Michalcová; R. Hrivnák; L. Lastrucci; S. Iemelianova; U. Jandt; F. Jansen; Jenačković, Dragana D.  ; Z. Kącki; K. Lájer; D. Matulevičiutė; A. Mesterházy; José Antonio Molina; J. Paal; E. Papastergiadou; A. Properzi; Radulović, Snežana B.  ; Ranđelović, Vladimir N. ; M. Řezníčková; J. Rodwell; J. Schaminée; U. Šilc; Z. Sinkevičienė; Z. Stančić; J. Stepanovich; B. Teteryuk; R. Tzonev; R. Venanzoni; L. Weekes; W. Willner; Igor Zelnik;
Conference Paper
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2021A comparative anatomical study on two closely related Astragalus L. taxa (Fabaceae) from the central part of the Balkan Peninsula (✓)Jušković, Marina  ; Jenačković Gocić, Dragana  ; Nikolić, Danijela  ; Zlatković, Bojan  ; Ranđelović, Vladimir Article
2016A new species of Crocus (Iridaceae) from southern Albania (SW Balkan Peninsula)Jovanović, Milica  ; Ranđelović, Vladimir ; HARPKE, DÖRTEArticle
2020A new species of Crocus ser. Verni (Iridaceae) with 2n = 12 chromosomes from the BalkansRaca, Irena  ; Harpke, Dörte; Shuka, Lulëzim; Ranđelović, Vladimir Article
2021An insight into the ecology of Woodsia alpina newly recorded for the flora of the Balkan Peninsula (✓)Randjelovic, Vladimir ; Jenackovic-Gocic, Dragana  ; Stojanovic, Jovana  ; Raca, Irena  ; Nikolic, Danijela  ; Juskovic, Marina  Article
2018Analiza oblika ahenija kod vrsta roda Bolboschoenus (Ach.) Palla (Cyperaceae J. St. Hill.) primenom geometrijske morfometrijeNikolić, Danijela; Lazarević, Maja; Jenačković Gocić, Dragana  ; Jušković, Marina; Ranđelović, Vladimir Conference Paper
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2018Analiza oblika ahenija kod vrsta roda Bolboschoenus (Ach.) Palla (Cyperaceae J. St. Hill.) primenom geometrisjke morfometrijeNikolić, Danijela S.  ; Maja Lazarević; Jenačković, Dragana D.  ; Jušković, Marina Ž.  ; Ranđelović, Vladimir N. Conference Paper
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2014Android aplikacija za merenje temperature i relativne vlažnosti vazduha (✓)Jovanović, Uglješa  ; Ranđelović, Vladimir ; Jovanović, Igor  Conference Paper
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2010Anthropogenic - pressures on the ecosystems of the Vlasina peat islands (✓)Momčilović-Petronijević, Ana  ; Ranđelović, Vladimir ; Trajković, Slaviša  Conference Paper
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2010Antiinflamatorna, antimikrobna i antioksidativna aktivnost trihloretilenskog ekstrakta zečje lobode (Hieracium pilosella L.) (✓)Stanojević, Ljiljana  ; Ranđelović, Vladimir N. ; Stanković, Mihajlo; Nikolić, Ljubiša  ; Nikolić, Vesna  ; Ilić, Dušica  ; Nikolić, DejanConference Paper
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2013Antimicrobial activity of essential oil from Eryngium serbicum (✓)Matejić, Jelena  ; Džamić, Ana  ; Tatjana Mihajilov-Krstev  ; Ranđelović, Vladimir N. ; Krivošej, Zoran Đ. ; Marin, Petar  Conference Paper
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2010Antimicrobial activity, total phenol and flavonoid contents of Jovibarba heuffelii (Schott.) Love & Love extracts. (✓)Nikolić, Danijela  ; Stojanović-Radić, Zorica  ; Stanković, M.; Ranđelović, Vladimir ; Lakušić, D.  Other
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2010Antimicrobial activity, total phenol and flavonoid contents of jovibarba heuffelii (schott.) a löve & d. Löve extractsNikolić, Danijela  ; Stojanović-Radić, Zorica  ; Stanković, Milan  ; Ranđelović, Vladimir ; Lakusic, Dmitar  Article
2014Antimicrobial potential of essential oil from Pastinaca sativa (✓)Matejić, Jelena  ; Džamić, Ana  ; Mihajilov-Krstev Tatjana  ; Ranđelović, Vladimir N. ; Marin, Petar  Conference Paper
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2020Antioxidant activity of different extracts from rhizome of species Bolboschoenus laticarpus Marhold Hroudova, Zakravsky & Duchaček (✓)Nikolić, Danijela S.  ; Andrea Žabar Popović  ; Milica Vidanović; Marina Jušković  ; Jenačković, Dragana D.  ; Vladimir Ranđelović Conference Paper
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2011Antioxidant activity of four Peucedanum L. speciesMatejić, Jelena S.  ; Džamić, Ana M.  ; Ranđelović, Vladimir N. ; Marin, Petar D.  Conference Paper
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2015Antioxidant activity, total flavonoids and phenolic content of Opopanax hispidus extractsMatejić, Jelena  ; Džamić, Ana  ; Ranđelović, Vladimir N. ; Marin, Petar  Conference Paper
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