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Browsing by Author Rat, Milica

Showing results 1 to 20 of 167  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМp-cat.
2016A Regional View on the European Union Invasive Alien Species RegulationUludag Ahmet; Trichkova Teodora; Brundu Giuseppe; Rat, Milica  ; Tomov Rumen; Vladimirov Vladimir; Duplic AljosaConference Paper
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2014A simple and efficient DNA isolation method for Ornithogalum L. species (Hyacinthaceae, Asparagales)Rat, Milica M.  ; Živko Jovanović; Stanisavljević, Nemanja S.  ; Radak, Boris Đ.  ; Bokić, Bojana  ; Radović, Svetlana R.  ; Anačkov, Goran T.  Article
2013Agrycultural ecosystems as a pathaway for invasive alien plant speciesRat, Milica M.  ; Bokić, Bojana  ; Radanović, Milica D.; Radak, Boris Đ.  ; Bojčić Slobodan; Anačkov, Goran T.  ; Boža PalConference Paper
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2012Alergijske bolesti izazvane biljkamaJovanović, Marina  ; Anačkov, Goran  ; Boža, Pal; Radišić, Predrag  ; Šikoparija, Branko  ; Vukov, Dragana  ; Rućando, Marko ; Kristivojević, M.; Radak, Boris  ; Rat, Milica  ;
Igić, Ružica ;
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2013Alien invasive neophytes of the Southeastern part of the Pannonian PlainAnačkov, Goran  ; Rat, Milica  ; Radak, Boris  ; Igić, Ružica ; Vukov, Dragana  ; Rućando, Marko ; Ćuk, Mirjana  ; Radulović, Snežana  ; Cvijanović, Dušanka  ; Milić, Dubravka  ;
Panjković, Biljana; Szabados, Klara; Perić, Ranko; Kiš, Alen; Stojšić, Vida; Boža, Pal;
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2016Alien species in Serbia - invasiveness vs. management; taxonomy in betweenRat, Milica M.  ; Anačkov, Goran T.  ; Bojčić Slobodan; Bokić, Bojana  ; Ćuk, Mirjana R.  ; Igić, Ružica S. ; Ilić, Miloš M.  ; Knežević, Jelena M.; Kovački, Marija D.; Radak, Boris Đ.  ;
Radanović, Milica D.; Rućando, Marko M. ; Tmušić, Goran M.; Vukov, Dragana M.  ;
Conference Paper
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2016Alien species in Serbia - invasivness vs management; taxonomy in betweenRat Milica  ; Anačkov Goran; Bojčić Slobodan; Bokić Bojana  ; Ćuk Mirjana  ; Igić Ružica; Ilić Miloš; Knežević Jelena; Kovački Marija; Radak Boris;
Radanović Milica; Rućando Marko; Tmušić, Goran; Vukov Dragana;
Conference Paper
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2023Ampelographic (grapevine) collection in the 230-year-old Herbarium Wolnyanum (Sremski Karlovci, Serbia)Rat Milica  Article
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2022Ampelographic collection in 230-yearold Herbarium WolnyanumRat Milica  Conference Paper
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2014Analysis of genetic variability in two Ornithogalum L. (Hyacinthaceae) taxa from Serbia and Hungary using RAPD markersAndrić, Andrijana  ; Rat, Milica  ; Obreht, Dragana Conference Paper
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2009Analysis of genetic variability on Ornithogalum L. using RAPD markersAndrić, Andrijana  ; Obreht, Dragana ; Rat, Milica  ; Pal, Boža; Vujić, Ante  Conference Paper
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2021Anatomical and genetic characterization of the genus Xanthium species from Bosnia and HerzegovinaBiljana Kelečević; Kočiš-Tubić Nataša  ; Rat Milica  ; Kovačević Zlatan; Mitrić Siniša; Đan Mihajla  ; Anačkov Goran  Article
2016Anatomical characteristics of two Ornithogalum L. (Hyacinthaceae) taxa from Serbia and Hungary and their taxonomic implicationAndrić, Andrijana  ; Rat, Milica  ; Zorić, Lana  ; Luković, Jadranka  Article
2016Anthropomorphic orchids of the Balkans - preliminary morphometric studyRadak, Boris Đ.  ; Bokić, Bojana  ; Knežević, Jelena M.; Rat, Milica M.  ; Vestek, Ana J.; Anačkov, Goran T.  Conference Paper
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2018Anticancer properties of ApiaceaeAćimović, Milica  ; Rat, Milica  ; Tešević, Vele  ; Dojčinović, NevenaBook parts
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2015Antimicrobial activity of peppermint (Mentha x piperita L., Lamiaceae) postdistillation leaf extractGAVARIĆ, NEDA  ; KLADAR, NEBOJŠA  ; Rat, Milica  ; Janjić Đ; Smole Možina S; Božin, Biljana Conference Paper
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2011Aster and Sunflowers species – threat to the riparian habitatsRat, Milica  ; Anačkov, Goran  ; Radak, Boris  ; Božin, Biljana ; Pal BožaConference Paper
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2011Asters and Sunflowers species - threat to the riparian habitatsRat Milica  ; Anackov Goran  ; Radak Boris  ; Bozin Biljana; Boza PalConference Paper
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2023Biljke Petrovaradinske tvrđave - 1 - BedemiRat, Milica  ; Anačkov, Goran  ; Bokić, Bojana  ; Radak, Boris; Tmušić, Goran M.Encyclopedia entries
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2015Biochemical Characterization of Helichrysum italicum (Roth) G.Don subsp. italicum (Asteraceae) from Montenegro: Phytochemical Screening, Chemotaxonomy, and Antioxidant PropertiesKladar, Nebojša  ; Anačkov, Goran  ; Rat, Milica  ; Srđenović Čonić, Branislava  ; Grujić Letić, Nevena  ; Gligorić, Emilia  ; Božin, Biljana Article