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Browsing by Author Stepanov, Borivoj

Showing results 1 to 20 of 34  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМp-cat.
2024A New Method for the Determination of Fire Risk Zones in High-Bay WarehousesBošković, Goran  ; Todorović, Marko  ; Ubavin, Dejan  ; Stepanov, Borivoj  ; Mihajlović, Višnja  ; Perović, Marija  ; Čepić, Zoran  Article
2023A simulation model of air pollutants dispersion in the Belgrade city areaBabić, Adrijana; Čepić, Zoran  ; Radonić, (Jakšić) Jelena  ; Stepanov, Borivoj  ; Andersen, ZoranaConference Paper
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2016Adapting the Forchheimer equation for the flow of air through wheat straw bedsDoder, Đorđije  ; Miljković, Biljana  ; Stepanov, Borivoj  ; Pesenjanski, IvanArticle
2019Analiza rada ventila sigurnosti u uslovima pregrevanja u zatvorenim sistemima centralnog grejanjaVlaović, Željko  ; Stepanov, Borivoj  Article
2019Application of artificial neural network (ANN)-self-organizing map for the categorization of sediment contaminated by PAHs in Serbians stretch of Danube RiverBRBORIĆ, MAJA P.  ; Branislav Vrana; Borivoj Stepanov  ; Sabolč Pap ; Vojinović Miloradov Mirjana  ; RADONIĆ, JELENA R.  ; Maja Turk Sekulić  Conference Paper
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2023APPLICATION OF PRINCIPAL COMPONENT ANALYSIS IN ASSESSING ENERGY SUSTAINABILITY OF SELECTED COUNTRIES: A CASE STUDYVlaović, Željko  ; Stepanov, Borivoj  ; Tomić, Mladen  ; Kljajić, Miroslav  ; Doder, Đorđije  ; Čepić, Zoran  Article
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2021Building Energy Performance Certificate-A Relevant Indicator of Actual Energy Consumption and Savings?Andjelković, Aleksandar S  ; Kljajić, Miroslav  ; Macura, Dušan; Munćan, Vladimir  ; Mujan, Igor  ; Tomić, Mladen  ; Vlaović, Željko  ; Stepanov, Borivoj  Article
2019Characterization of sources and risks associated with polychlorinated biphenyl (PCBs) in bottom sediments of the Danube river in SerbiaBRBORIĆ, MAJA P.  ; Branislav Vrana; Borivoj Stepanov  ; RADONIĆ, JELENA R.  ; Maja Turk Sekulić  Conference Paper
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2019Danube sediment contamination with polychlorinated biphenyls: new interpretation of sediment quality assessmentBrborić, Maja  ; Stepanov, Borivoj  ; Radonić, Jelena  ; Turk-Sekulić, Maja  Article
2013Estimation of heat flux caused by solar irradiation on a driver of passenger car using numerical simulationRužić, Dragan  ; Stepanov, Borivoj  Article
2021Experimental Analysis of Temperature Influence on Waste Tire PyrolysisCepic, Zoran M  ; Mihajlovic, Visnja Dj  ; Djuric, Slavko N; Milotic, Milan M; Stosic, Milena D  ; Stepanov, Borivoj Lj  ; Ilic-Micunovic, Milana  Article
2015Investigation of air pressure drop through porous wheat straw bedDODER, ĐORĐIJE  ; Stepanov, Borivoj  Conference Paper
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2010Kotlovi za "brzu proizvodnju pare" - pro et contraПешењански, Иван; Stepanov, Borivoj  ; Миљковић, БиљанаArticle
2010Kotlovi za brzu proizvodnju pare-pro et contra fast steam generators-pro et contraMiljković, Biljana  ; Stepanov, Borivoj  ; Ivan PešenjanskiArticle
2023Mapping energy sustainability using the Kohonen self-organizing maps-Case studyVlaović, Željko D  ; Stepanov, Borivoj  ; Anđelković, Aleksandar  ; Rajs, Vladimir  ; Čepić, Zoran  ; Tomić, Mladen  Article
2024MISSED OPPORTUNITY IN DECARBONIZING HEAT 77 YEARS AGO: MARIA TELKES' DOVER HOUSE AND FORWARD-THINKING VISIONStepanov, Borivoj  ; Vlaović, Željko  ; Doder, Đorđije  ; Čepić, Zoran  ; Brborić, Maja  Conference Paper
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2014Моделовање процеса струјања, сагоревања и преноса топлоте у гасном простору ложишта котла ложеним пшеничном сламомStepanov, Borivoj  Doctoral theses
2023Mogućnost primene eksergetske analize u energeticiHovanec, Luka; Stepanov, Borivoj  Article
2012Numerical Modelling of straw combustion in a moving bed combustorMilosavljević, Vladimir ; Miljković, Biljana  ; Rajs, Vladimir  ; Stepanov, Borivoj  ; Ivan PešenjanskiConference Paper
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2024Optimization of Energy Consumption During Immersion Frying of PeanutsDoder, Đorđije  ; Đaković, Damir  ; Stepanov, Borivoj  ; Milivojević, Nikola  Article