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Browsing by Author Tot, Ivan

Showing results 1 to 20 of 86  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМ-cat.
2020A new IoT solution for control of the entry and routing the vehicle (✓)Ivan, Tot  Conference Paper
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2019A Novel Method for Determining a Newborn Baby’s Identity Based on Fingerprints (✓)Komlen Lalović  ; Ivan Tot  ; Mladen TrikošArticle
2019A Survey of PKI Architecture (✓)Ivan, Tot  Conference Paper
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2020Akvizicija i vizuelizacija moždanih talasa kao biometrijskih podataka za autentifikaciju korisnika (✓)Ivan, Tot  Conference Paper
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2018An example of a data processing procedure for detection and visualisation of a sudden D-layer ionosphere disturbanceBajčetić, Jovan B.; Mladen Trikoš; Tot, Ivan A.  Conference Paper
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2018An example of a data processing procedure for detection and visualization of a sudden d-layer ionosphere disturbance (✓)Ivan, Tot  Conference Paper
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2019An Example of a Methodology for Developing the Security of a Distributed Business SystemVulic, Ivan B; Prodanovic, Radomir; Tot, Ivan A  Conference Paper
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2019: An Example of a Methodology for Developing the Security of a Distributed Business System (✓)Ivan, Tot  Conference Paper
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2005Analiza ispitnog roka (✓)Ivan, Tot  Conference Paper
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2018Analiza mogućnosti primene kros-korelacije u verifikaciji korisnika na osnovu otiska prstaLazar Đorđević; Lazar Stevanović; Bondžulić, Boban P.  ; Ivan Tot  ; Mladen TrikošConference Paper
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2004Analiza uspeha studenata Odseka logistike Vojne akademije korišćenjem OLAP tehnika (✓)Ivan, Tot  Conference Paper
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2018Analysis and implementation of AES cryptographic algorithm on cuda graphic processing unitsJovanović Boriša; Tot, Ivan A.  Conference Paper
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2015Android aplikacija za proračun parametara radio-relejnog linkaB. Mihailov; L. Reljin; S. Kerešević; D. Lazović; Tot, Ivan  Conference Paper
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2016Android aplikacija – Pregled plana ispitnog rokaJ. Đurović; B. Mihailov; Tot, Ivan  Conference Paper
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2014Android application for mobile platform location tracking using GPSD. Gavrilović; A. Veselinović; Tot, Ivan  ; S. Stojković; A. VidakovićConference Paper
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2019Automated Identification of Verbally Abusive Behaviors in Online DiscussionsJoksimovic, Srecko M; Baker, Ryan S; Ocumpaugh, Jaclyn; Andres, Juan Miguel L; Tot, Ivan A  ; Wang, Elle Yuan; Dawson, ShaneConference Paper
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2005Automatizovani sistem evidencije brojnog stanja studenata (✓)Ivan, Tot  Conference Paper
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2004Baza podataka za vođenje evidencije o ispitima studenata (✓)Ivan, Tot  Conference Paper
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2018Biometric Security Level Fingerprint vs. Iris and Forming Period at Humans (✓)Ivan, Tot  Conference Paper
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2019Biometric Security Standardization (✓)Mladen Trikoš; Ivan Tot  ; Jovan Bajčetić; Komlen Lalović  ; Boriša Jovanović; Dušan BogićevićConference Paper
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