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Browsing by Author Cvetković, Ljiljana

Showing results 1 to 20 of 216  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМp-cat.
1988A combination of relaxation methods and method of averaging functional correctionsHerceg Dragoslav; Cvetković Ljiljana  Book parts
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1990A family of exponentialy spline difference schemesSurla Katarina; Herceg Dragoslav; Cvetković Ljiljana  Article
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1990A hybrid method for a polynomial complex zeroPetković Miodrag; Cvetković Ljiljana  Article
1989A modification of the overrelaxation method. Z. angew. Math. Mech. 69 (1989), 187-188.Cvetković Ljiljana  ; Herceg DragoslavArticle
1998A new comparison theorem for alternating iterationsCvetković Ljiljana  Article
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1997A new convergence result about relaxation methodsCvetković Ljiljana  Conference Paper
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2008A new eigenvalue localizationCvetković Ljiljana  Conference Paper
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2005A new eigenvalue localization theorem via graph theoryCvetković Ljiljana  ; Kostić Vladimir  Conference Paper
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2004A new Geršgorin-type eigenvalue inclusion setCvetković Ljiljana  ; Kostić Vladimir  ; Varga R.S.Article
2019A New Lower Bound for the Smallest Singular ValueDoroslovački, Ksenija  ; Cvetković, Ljiljana  ; Šanca, Ernest  Article
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2009A new subclass of H-matricesCvetković Ljiljana  ; Kostić Vladimir  ; Rauški SonjaArticle
2008A new subclass of H-matricesCvetković Ljiljana  ; Kostić Vladimir  ; Rauški S.Conference Paper
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2007A note on the convergence of the AOR methodCvetković Ljiljana  ; Kostić Vladimir  Article
1999A note on the convergence of the MAOR methodCvetković Ljiljana  Article
2014A note on the convergence of the MSMAOR method for linear complementarity problemsCvetković, Ljiljana  ; Kostić, Vladimir  Article
2009A simple generalization of Geršgorin theoremCvetković Ljiljana  Conference Paper
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2011A simple generalization of Gersgorin's theoremCvetković Ljiljana  ; Kostić Vladimir  ; Bru Rafael; Pedroche FranciscoArticle
2009A simple generalization of Geršgorin’s theoremCvetković, Ljiljana  ; Kostić, Vladimir  ; Bru, Rafael; Pedroche, FranciscoArticle
2008A tight approximation to the minimal Gersgorin setVarga R.S.; Cvetković Ljiljana  ; Kostić Vladimir  Conference Paper
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2015A wider convergence area for the MSTMAOR iteration methods for LCPCvetković, Ljiljana  ; Kostić, Vladimir  ; Šanca, Ernest  Article