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Browsing by Author Džindo, Emina

Showing results 1 to 20 of 43  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМp-cat.
2014ADHESIVE BONDS AND CALCULATING THE STRENGTH OF ELASTIC-ADHESIVE JOINTSSmiljanic P; Lozanović-Šajić, Jasmina ; Džindo, Emina Conference Paper
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2011Analiza rizika integriteta konstrukcijaPredrag Đorđević; Kirin, Snežana  ; Sedmak, Aleksandar  ; Džindo, Emina Article
2011Analiza rizika integriteta konstrukcija - primena na veliku kompanijuSedmak, Aleksandar  ; Snežana Kirin  ; Aleksandar Jovanović; Petar Stanojević  ; Emina Džindo Article
2013Analysis of Composite Beams, Materials and AdhesivesDžindo, Emina S. Conference Paper
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2017Analysis of cracks tahat occur in welded jointsDžindo, Emina S. ; Milovanović, Nikola A.  ; Sedmak, Simon A.  Conference Paper
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2014CONTROL ALGORITHM APPLIED ON THE DIESEL ENGINELozanović-Šajić, Jasmina ; Džindo, Emina ; Tatić, Uroš ; Saša PetrovićConference Paper
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2018Crack growth resistance of weldment constituentsDzindo, Emina ; Sedmak, Simon  ; Radaković, Zoran  ; Cvetkovic, Ivana  Conference Paper
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2015Creep And Stress Rupture, 19th International Research/Expert Conference - Trends In The Development Of Machinery And Associated TechnologyDžindo, Emina ; Đorđević, Branislav  ; Uroš LukićConference Paper
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2018Džindo, E, 'J-Integral in elasto-plastic fracture, International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigation and New Technologies, Zlatibor, July 04-06, 2018Džindo, Emina S. Conference Paper
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2018Džindo, E., Quantitative and Semi quantitative Risk AssessmentDžindo, Emina S. Conference Paper
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2016Elastic-plastic behaviour of welded joints during loading and unloading of pressure vesselsSedmak, Simon  ; Algool, Mahdi; Sedmak, Aleksandar  ; Tatić, Uroš ; Džindo, Emina Conference Paper
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2010Elastic-Plastic Finite Element Analysis of Weldment Fracture Mechanics ParametersSedmak, Aleksandar  ; Džindo, Emina ; Grabulov, Vencislav  Conference Paper
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2011Elasto-Plastic Fracture Mechanics Finite Element AnalysisDžindo, Emina S. ; Sedmak Aleksandar; B. PetrovskiConference Paper
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2011Estimate of a power distributor life span based on the fracture mechanics criteriaVeljković-Đoković, Jelena  ; Nikolić, Ružica ; Emilija S. Dzindo ; Ćatić, Dobrivoje  Article
2010Experimental and Numerical Stress-Strain Analysis of Composite BeamsP. Smiljanic; Sedmak, Aleksandar S.  ; Džindo, Emina S. ; Veg, Emil A.  Conference Paper
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2012Experimental and Numerical Stress-Strain Analysis of Composite BeamsSmiljanić, P.; Sedmak, Aleksandar  ; Džindo, Emina ; Veg, Emil  Conference Paper
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2019Experimental determining of fracture behaviour of P460NL1 steel welded joint specimensDžindo, Emina ; Sedmak, Simon  ; Camagić, Ivica  ; Burzić, Zijah  ; Perković, Srđa  ; Cvetković, Ivana  Conference Paper
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2013Experimental stress-strain analysis of composite beamsSmiljanić, P.; Sedmak, Aleksandar  ; Džindo, Emina Conference Paper
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2018FEM modeling of crack propagation in welded joints with different crack locationsSimon Sedmak  ; Emina Džindo ; Radaković, Zoran J.  ; Blagoj Petrovski; Mihailo Aranđelović  Conference Paper
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2017Fracture toughness in the transition temperature regionDžindo, Emina S. ; Đorđević, Branislav R.  Conference Paper
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