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Browsing by Author Dramlić, Dragan

Showing results 1 to 20 of 20
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМp-cat.
2013A real time air pollution dispersion modelling of PC nuclear facilities of SerbiaZoran Gršić; Milutinović P.; ArbutinaD.; Milinčić, Miroljub  ; Dramlić, Dragan ; Velikić Z.; Dramlić S.Conference Paper
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2011Accuracy in presenting of dust concentration fields around ashes disposal sities due to limiting number of monitoring pointsGršić, Zoran; Živković, Nenad  ; Milutinović, Predrag; Dramlić, Dragan ; Velikić, Zoran; Dramlić, StefanConference Paper
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2013AIR DUST CONCENTRATION IN THE VICINITY OF ASH DISPOSAL SITE, DEPENDING ON THE SIZE OF POND ( WATER MIRROR)Zoran Gršić; Milutinović P.; Dramlić, Dragan ; Velikić Z.; Dramlić S.Conference Paper
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2011AMBIJENTALNI NIVO ELF MAGNETSKOG POLJA U DOMAĆINSTVIMA U BLIZINI NADZEMNIH VISOKONAPONSKIH DALEKOVODAVulević, Branislav ; Dramlić, Dragan ; Predrag Milutinović; Stefan Dramlić; Zoran VelikićConference Paper
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2010Ash Dust Concentration in the Vicinity of the Ash Disposal Site Depending on the Size of the Pond (Water Mirror)Gršić, Zoran J.; Milutinovic, Predrag; Rajkovic, Borivoj; Dramlić, Dragan M. ; Velikic, Zoran; Dramlić, Stefan D.Article
2013AUTOMATSKI SISTEM ZA PRAĆENJE UTICAJA TE «NIKOLA TESLA» NA KVALITET VAZDUHA U OBRENOVCU I OKOLNIM NASELJIMADramlić, Dragan ; Milutinović P.; Zoran Gršić; Radomir Putnik; Grujić B.; Lozanović Šajić, Jasmina Technical reports
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2013Environmental impact assessment of the nuclear reactor at Vinca, based on the data on emission of radioactivity from the literature - a modeling aproachGršić, Zoran; Pavlović, Snežana; Arbutina, Dalibor; Dramlić, Stefan; Dramlić, Dragan ; Nikezić, Dušan  ; Dimović, Slavko  ; Kaljević, Jelica ; Milinčić, Miroljub  Conference Paper
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2015Environmental impact assessment of the nuclear reactor in Vinča, based on the data on emission of radioactivity from the literature: A modeling approachGršić, Zoran J.; Pavlović, Suncan; Arbutina, Dalibor; Dramlić, Stefan D.  ; Dramlić, Dragan ; Nikezić, Dušan  ; Dimović, Slavko  ; Kaljević, Jelica ; Milinčić, Miroljub  Article
2016Influence of femtosecond pulsed laser irradiation on bismuth germanium oxide single crystal propertiesKovacevic, Aleksander  ; Ristić-Đurović, Jasna L.  ; Lekic, Marina  ; Hadžić, Branka B.  ; Abudagel, Giuma Saleh Isa; Petričević, Slobodan  ; Mihailovic, Pedja  ; Matović, Branko  ; Dramlić, Dragan M. ; Brajović, Ljiljana M.  ;
Romčević, Nebojša Ž.  ;
2016Matematičko modelovanje rasprostiranja zagađujućih materija u vazduhu u okolini nuklearnih i industrijskih objekataNikezić, Dušan P.  Doctoral theses
2014Mathematical modeling of total dose to a hypothetical resident in the environment of nuclear facility by contamination through the atmosphereGršić, Zoran; Pavlović, Snežana; Arbutina, Dalibor; Dramlić, Stefan; Dramlić, Dragan ; Dimović, Slavko  ; Nikezić, Dušan  ; Kaljević, Jelica; Milinčić, Miroljub  ; Zdravković, M.Conference Paper
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2017Modeling air concentration of fly ash in Belgrade, emitted from thermal power plants TNTA and TNTBNikezić, Dušan P.  ; Gršić, Zoran J.; Dramlić, Dragan M. ; Dramlić, Stefan D.; Lončar, Boris B. ; Dimović, Slavko  Article
2015Preliminary results obtained by the so-called "PUFF" model of gaussian type, based on experimental dataZoran Gršić; S. Pavlovic; D. Arbutina; S. Dramlic; Dramlić, Dragan ; Nikezić, Dušan  ; S. Dimovic; Milinčić, Miroljub  ; Kaljević, Jelica Conference Paper
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2017Preparation and characterization of bismuth germanium oxide (BGO) polymer compositesBrajović, Ljiljana M.  ; Stojanović, Dušica B.  ; Mihailović, Peđa  ; Marković, Smilja  ; Romčević, Maja  ; Mitrić, Miodrag  ; Lazović, Vladimir  ; Dramlić, Dragan ; Petričević, Slobodan  ; Romčević, Nebojša  Article
2015Provera matematičkih modela za atmosfersku disperziju u okviru IAEA programa MODARIAGršić, Zoran; Dramlić, Dragan ; Dramlić, Stefan; Arbutina, Dalibor; Nikezić, Dušan  ; Dimović, Slavko  ; Joksimović, Dušan  Conference Paper
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2013PROVERA MODULA ZA ATMOSFERSKU DIFUZIJU RADIONUKLIDA KROZ GRANIČNI SLOJ ATMOSFERE U MODELU NFS_VincaZ. Gršić; P. Milutinović; S. Pavlović; D. Arbutina; Dramlić, Dragan ; S. Dramlić; Kaljević, Jelica ; Joksimović, Dušan  Conference Paper
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2011SISTEM FOR AUTOMATICALLY PREVENTING THE RAISING OF ASH FROM DEDICATED LANDFILLSZoran Gršić; Dramlić, Dragan ; Predrag Milutinovic; Živković, Nenad; Zoran Velikic; Stefan DramlicConference Paper
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2010SOFTVERSKI MODUL ZA POVEZIVANJE SISTEMA SA DRUGIM INFORMACIONIM SISTEMIMADramlić, Dragan ; Milutinović P.; Tomčik, Branko ; Dramlić S.Technical reports
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2012System for Automatically Preventing the Raising of Ash from Dedicated LandfillsMilutinovic, Predrag; Gršić, Zoran J.; Živković, Marija M.  ; Dramlić, Dragan M. ; Velikic, Zoran; Dramlić, Stefan D.Article
2013Transparent PMMA/silica nanocomposites containing silica nanoparticles coating under supercritical conditionsStojanović, Dušica B.  ; Brajović, Ljiljana  ; Orlović, Aleksandar  ; Dramlić, Dragan ; Radmilović, Velimir ; Uskoković, Petar S.  ; Aleksić, Radoslav Article