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Преглед према Аутор Stefanović, Rade

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2017A Possible Way of Performing the Stadium Race at the Festivity Games in Olympia (✓)Šiljak, Violeta Lj. ; Stefanović, Rade Ž.  ; Đurović, Dejan; Mekić, Branimir B.  ; Popović Ilić, Tatjana P.  ; Marko Isaković  Научни чланак
24M24 - Рад у нац. часопису међ. значаја
2015After the take off the jumper continues to run in the air with hanging, hitching and sailing into sitting position at the end of the flight. the aim is to transform horizontal speed in one jump upward; the body, with its action, increases a distance before landing in the sand filled pitStefanović, Rade  Научни чланак
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2013Basic task of a trainer is to enable not just better knowing of the preparatory status of a sportsman but also an adequate influence on the factors on which planned sport task dependStefanović, Rade  Научни чланак
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2014Besides general strenght development discus throwers have to do a lot of exercises of specific character, that is exercises which contribute to strenght development a lot, since strenght has a big influence on resultStefanović, Rade  ; Života StefanovićКонференцијски рад
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2015Body height had empirical arrangement which was coming closer to normal distribution and that once again proved to be the most representative morphological dimension with mass characteristicsStefanović, Rade  Конференцијски рад
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2012CHANGE OF ECG PARAMETERS DEPENDING ON THE LOAD LEVEL IN ATHLETES (✓)Ilić, Igor  ; Ranković, Jasmina; Krstić, Olivera; Popović-Ilić, Tatjana  ; Ilić, Hadži Saša  ; Mekić, Branimir  ; Karaleić, Slađan  ; Milenković, Vesko  ; Stefanović, Rade  Научни чланак
24M24 - Рад у нац. часопису међ. значаја
2016Contemporary surveys have shown that physical inactivity leads to a kind of inability of a body to react against various diseases and everyday stress while biological ageing is intensifiedStefanović, Rade  Научни чланак
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2015Continuous method of work has minimum advantage over other methods. Practical value is reflected in direct carrying out of programmed teaching of cross country running on terrain with the aim to use efficient training methods for students of faculties of physical education in our countryStefanović, Rade  Конференцијски рад
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2018Effects of melatonin on oxidative stress parameters and pathohistological changes in rat skeletal muscle tissue following carbon tetrachloride application (✓)Sokolović, Dušan  ; Lilić, Ljubiša  ; Milenković, Vesko  ; Stefanović, Rade  ; Popović Ilić, Tatjana  ; Mekić, Branimir  ; Ilić, Igor  ; Stojanović, Nikola  ; Ilić, Ivan  Научни чланак
21M21 - Рад у врхунском међ. часопису
2019Fizička aktivnost kao važan faktor redukcije lipidnih faktora rizika u sekundarnoj prevenciji kardiovaskularne bolesti kod muškaraca (✓)Aleksandar Rajić; Vesko Milenković  ; Rade Stefanović  ; Milica Bojović; Milošević, Slađana M.  ; Jasmina Ranković; Branimir Mekić  ; Ljubiša Lilić  ; Lazar Toskić  ; Jadranka Kocić  ;
Hadži Miloš Vidaković  ;
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51M51 - Рад у врхунском часопису нац. значаја
2012For the descriptive statistical parameters of the heart rates, it can be said that despite of some improvements, they were within standard values of healthy individuals except in certain cases, they didn t deviate from the average values even in the finale measuringStefanović, Rade  ; Ljubiša LilićНаучни чланак
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2015Improvement of techniques of performance, from legs-up technique to backward or Fosbury-Flop technique, as well as anthropological characteristics of jumpers, caused continuous lifting of the bar and better resultsStefanović, Rade  ; Ljubiša LilićНаучни чланак
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2015In order to achieve better results by training, it is absolutely necessary to know and apply as many indicators as possible, which integrate its structure and function, and especially indicators of anthropologicalStefanović, Rade  ; Života StefanovićНаучни чланак
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2019Informisanost učenika srednjih škola u Srbiji o interakciji sporta i - očuvanja životne sredine (✓)Rade Stefanović  ; Dragan Toskić  ; Života Stefanović  ; Milošević, Slađana M.  ; Dragana Mitić  ; Marko Isaković  Научни чланак
51M51 - Рад у врхунском часопису нац. значаја
2012Initial and final values of oxygen consumption of the cross-country athletes with different training methods (✓)Stefanović, Rade  ; Ljubiša Lilić  Научни чланак
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2019Istraživanja u naučnim publikacijama u oblasti sporta i očuvanja životne sredine (✓)Violeta Šiljak ; Rade Stefanović  ; Dragan Toskić  ; Života Stefanović  ; Milošević, Slađana M.  ; Dragana Mitić  Научни чланак
51M51 - Рад у врхунском часопису нац. значаја
2012It is common for athletes to have sinus bradycardia, sinus arrhythmia loads due to the activity of the muscles that need large amounts of oxygen (✓)Igor Ilić; Jasmina Ranković; Olivera Krstić; Tatjana Popović-Ilić; Saša Hadži Ilić; Branimir Mekić; Slađan Karalejić; Vesko Milenković; Stefanović, Rade  Научни чланак
24M24 - Рад у нац. часопису међ. значаја
2015Kako se utrošak kiseonika, prema rezultatima dosadašnjih istraživanja, smatra najznačajnijom determinantom efikasnosti u radu aerobnog karaktera, kakav dominira u atletskom krosu, izvršena je i procena maksimalne kiseoničke potročnje svakog ispitanikaStefanović, Rade  ; Nikola ArsenijevićКонференцијски рад
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2019Medalje od recikliranog e-otpada na olimpijskim igrama (✓)Violeta Šiljak ; Rade Stefanović  ; Popović Ilić, Tatjana P.  ; Dragana Mitić  ; Jadranka Kocić  ; Zoran Savić  Научни чланак
51M51 - Рад у врхунском часопису нац. значаја
2010Mobility can be worked on within special trainings of a runner or within introductory part of the training class. At some extent, the repeating of special preparatory mobility exercises can improve the technique of certain athletic discipline as wellStefanović, Rade  Научни чланак
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