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Browsing by Author Matejić, Suzana

Showing results 1 to 20 of 49  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМp-cat.
2008Acute lung injury and histopathological findings in illicit drugs users with toxicologic corelationMitrović, Slobodanka  ; Todorović, Miloš  ; Azanjac, Goran; Matejić, S.  Conference Paper
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2011Association of pulmonary histopathological findings with toxicological findings in forensic autopsies of illicit drug usersTodorović, Miloš  ; Mitrović, Slobodanka  ; Aleksandric, Branimir; Mladjenovic, Nenad; Matejić, Suzana  Article
2015Comparative analysis of numerical density of ganglion cells with certain content of lipofuscin pigment in the parts of symphatetic trunk during the agingFilipović, Tatjana  ; Mandić, Predrag  ; Filipović, Milan  ; Đukić-Macut, Nataša  ; Matejić, Suzana  ; Šaranović, Milena  Article
2018Conjoined twins - parapagus dithoracicusJukovic, Fehim; Pecanin, Ilma; Jukovic, Azra; Kalicanin-Milanovic, Ruza; Matejić, Suzana  ; Nukovic, Jusuf; Numanovic, NedzibArticle
2013DNA IDENTIFICATION OF HUMAN EXHUMED IN KOSOVO AND METOHIA DURING THE PERIOD 2001-2011M. Miletić; Milanović, Zvezdan S.  ; Deletić, Nebojša R.  ; Matejić, Suzana U.  ; Smiljić, Sonja V.  Conference Paper
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2013DNA identification of human remains exhumed in Kosovo and Metohia during the period from 2001 to 2011M. Miletić; Deletić, Nebojša R.  ; Milanović, Zvezdan S.  ; Matejić, Suzana U.  ; Smiljić, Sonja V.  Conference Paper
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2013DNA Identification of human remains exhumed in Kosovo and Metohija during the period 2001-2011Miletić M; Deletić N  ; Milanović Z; Matejić, Suzana  ; Smiljić SConference Paper
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2014DNA identification of war and mass catastrophies victimsMatejić, Suzana  ; Miletić, Mirjana  ; Milošević, Miroslav  ; Jaksic, V.; Filipović, Tatjana  ; Šaranović, Milena  ; Deletić, Nebojša  Article
2010Ethics and deontology in forensic medicineMatejić, Suzana  ; Otasevic, VujadinArticle
2015Forensic importance of exhumated human remains identification processMatejić, Suzana U.  ; Šaranović, Milena S.  ; Todorović, Danijela V.  ; Slović, Živana S.  ; Todorović, Miloš S.  ; V. BoskovicConference Paper
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2015From conflict to justice: The importance of the forensic investigationMatejić, Suzana  ; Šaranović, Milena  Conference Paper
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2010Gustina ganglijskih ćelija po delovima simpatičkog stabla u zavisnosti od sadržaja lipofuscinskog pigmenta u toku procesa starenjaFilipović T; Filipović M; Mandić P; Đukić N; Matejić, Suzana  ; Šaranović M; Gašić M; Bogosavljević IConference Paper
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2019Histological characteristics and volume density of elastic fibers in the dermis during agingLeštarević, Snežana  ; Mandić, Predrag  ; Mijović, Milica  ; Dejanović, Mirjana  ; Marjanović, Dragan  ; Matejić, Suzana  ; Filipović, Milan  Article
2011Influence of biometeorological phases on incidence of suicidesGajic, Vladimir; Milojevic, Dragan; Smailagic, Jasminka; Djonovic, Nela  ; Matejic, Suzana  ; Gajic, SanjaArticle
2017LEGAL – ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF CLARIFYING THE FATE OF MISSING PERSONS: PROJECT RUDNICA – RASKAJokić, Svetlana V.; L. Krstic; V. Boskovic; Matejić, Suzana U.  Conference Paper
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2015Mechanisms of injury of pedestrians in road traffic accidentsMilosevic, Miroslav; Savic, S.; Matejić, Suzana  ; Mihailovic, Z.; Jaksic, V.Article
2018Microanatomical characteristics of arterial vascularization of the intracranial segment of optic nerveHajrović, Samra; Balaban-Đurević, Radmila; Matejić, Suzana  ; Vitošević, Zdravko; Milisavljević, MilanArticle
2016Morphological analysis of a structures of prenatal pancreas in humanFilipović, Tatjana  ; Filipović, Milan  ; Mandić, Predrag  ; Matejić, Suzana  ; Đukić-Macut, Nataša  ; Vitošević, Zdravko  Article
2010Nagnječenje mozga-mehanizam nastanka i značajSlović, Živana S.  ; Matejić, Suzana U.  ; Todorović, Miloš S.  ; Mihaljević, Olgica B.  ; M. PetrovićArticle
2023Postmortalna imunohistohemijska dijagnostika difuzne aksonske lezije u slučajevima kraniocerebralnog povređivanjaNedić, DaliborDoctoral theses