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Browsing by Author Kotur, Dimitrije

Showing results 1 to 19 of 19
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМ-cat.
2016An Optimal Mix of Wind and Solar Power Plants in a MicrogridŠkrbić, Bojana  ; Dimitrije Kotur ; Željko Đurišić  Conference Paper
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2016Feasibility study of offshore wind turbines coupled to offshore compressed air energy storagePavle Dakić; Kotur, Dimitrije ; Đurišić, Željko  Conference Paper
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2016Individual pitch control for wind turbine load reduction recognizing atmospheric stabilityKotur, Dimitrije ; Đurišić, Željko  Conference Paper
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2017Лимитирaњe aктивнe снaгe у нискoнaпoнским мрeжaмa сa висoким учeшћeм дистрибуирaнe прoизвoдњeM. Rakić; Kotur, Dimitrije S. ; Đurišić, Željko R.  Conference Paper
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2017Модел за процену смањења производње блиских ветроелектрана услед међусобног ефекта заветринеP. Dakić; Kotur, Dimitrije S. ; Đurišić, Željko R.  Conference Paper
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2017Modelovanje električnog luka na visokonaponskim nadzemnim vodovimaKotur, Dimitrije S. ; Stojanović, Zoran N.  Conference Paper
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2015Najekonomičnije rešenje sistema napajanja izolovanog potrošača korišćenjem sistema sa vetroagregatom, baterijom i dizel agregatomKotur, Dimitrije ; Mikulović, Jovan  Conference Paper
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2016Neural Network Models for Electricity Prices and Loads Short and Long – Term PredictionKotur, Dimitrije ; Žarković, Mileta  Conference Paper
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2016Optimal Capacitor Sizing and Placement in Distribution Networks with and Without Distributed Energy Sources Using Genetic AlgorithmPavle Dakić; Kotur, Dimitrije Article
2019Optimal power flow control in the system with offshore wind power plants connected to the MTDC networkKotur, Dimitrije ; Stefanov, Predrag  Article
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2017Optimal spatial and temporal demand side management in a power system comprising renewable energy sourcesKotur, Dimitrije ; Đurišić, Željko  Article
2017Optimalni tokovi snaga sa angažovanjem agregata u elektroenergetskom sistemu sa obnovljivim izvorima energijeD. Obradović; Kotur, Dimitrije S. Conference Paper
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2016Optimalno angažovanje elektrana u elektroenergetskom sistemu sa obnovljivim izvorima energijeKotur, Dimitrije ; Pavle Dakić; Đurišić, Željko  Conference Paper
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2016Optimalno upravljanje potrošnjom i skladištenjem energije u pametnim sistemima sa distribuiranim izvorima energijeKotur, Dimitrije ; Mikulović, Jovan  Conference Paper
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2019Spatial and temporal demand side management for optimal power transmission through power system with dispersed PV and wind power plantsKotur, Dimitrije ; Đurišić, Željko  ; Savić, Aleksandar  Article
2015Synchronously rotating onshore wind turbines analysisDobrić, Goran  ; Kotur, Dimitrije ; Đurišić, Željko  Conference Paper
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2016The Determination of the Share of Different Types of Consumption in the Overall Load DiagramKotur, Dimitrije ; Savić, Aleksandar  ; Đurišić, Željko  Article
2015Uticaj obnovljivih izvora energije na dinamičko tarifiranje u realnom vremenuKotur, Dimitrije ; Dobrić, Goran  ; Rajaković, Nikola Conference Paper
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