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Browsing by Author Pantić, Senka

Showing results 1 to 20 of 26  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМp-cat.
2013Age-related changes in structural complexity of liver tissue architecture: light microscopy fractal analysisPantić, Igor  ; Miloš Basailović; Paunović Pantić, Jovana  ; Pantić, Senka ; Perović, Milan; Miodrag Trajković; Danica Đuričić; Milton PešutConference Paper
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2016Age-related reduction of chromatin fractal dimension in toluidine blue – stained hepatocytesPantić, Igor  ; Petrovic, Danica; Paunović Pantić, Jovana  ; Vučević, Danijela  ; Radosavljević, Tatjana  ; Pantić, Senka Article
2013Age-related reduction of structural complexity in spleen hematopoietic tissue architecture in micePantić, Igor  ; Paunović Pantić, Jovana  ; Basta-Jovanović, Gordana ; Perović, Milan; Pantić, Senka ; Milošević, Nebojša  Article
2012Aging Increases Nuclear Chromatin Entropy of Erythroid Precursor Cells in Mice Spleen Hematopoietic TissuePantić, Igor  ; Pantić, Senka ; Paunović Pantić, Jovana  Article
2014Application of Fractal and Grey Level Co-Occurrence Matrix Analysis in Evaluation of Brain Corpus Callosum and Cingulum ArchitecturePantic, Igor  ; Dacic, Sanja  ; Brkic, Predrag  ; Lavrnja, Irena  ; Pantic, Senka ; Jovanovic, Tomislav ; Peković, SanjaArticle
2016Application of graphene in experimental physiology researchPantić, Igor  ; Pantić, Senka ; Danica Petrović; Nešić, Dejan  ; Marković, Ljiljana  ; Anita PetkovićArticle
2012Association between online social networking and depression in high school students: behavioral physiology viewpointPantić, Igor  ; Damjanović, Aleksandar ; Todorović, Jovana  ; Topalović, Dubravka; Bojović-Jović, Dragana  ; Ristić, Siniša; Pantić, Senka Article
2017Chromatin Shannon entropy in peripheral blood lymphocytes increases after UV-induced DNA damagePantić, Igor V.  ; A. Petković; Pantić, Senka M. Conference Paper
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2013Complexity reduction of chromatin architecture in macula densa cells during mouse postnatal developmentPantić, Igor  ; Basta-Jovanović, Gordana ; Starcevic, Vesna; Paunovic, Jovana  ; Suzić, Slavica ; Kojić, Zvezdana  ; Pantić, Senka Article
2015Discriminatory ability of fractal and grey level co-occurrence matrix methods in structural analysis of hippocampus layersPantic, Igor  ; Dacic, Sanja  ; Brkic, Predrag  ; Lavrnja, Irena  ; Jovanovic, Tomislav ; Pantic, Senka ; Peković, SanjaArticle
2010Effects of aspirin on the number of peripheral white blood cells and spleen eosinophils in guinea-pigsTurjacanin-Pantelic, Drenka; Pantić, Igor  ; Pantić, Senka ; Garalejić, Eliana  ; Jovic, Dragana; Arsic, BiljanaArticle
2013Effects of Ghrelin on the Structural Complexity of Exocrine Pancreas Tissue ArchitecturePantić, Igor  ; Nešić, Dejan  ; Stevanović, Darko ; Starčević, Vesna ; Pantić, Senka ; Trajković, Vladimir  Article
2017Effects of metallic nanoparticles on physiological liver functionsPaunović, Jovana D.  ; Vučević, Danijela B.  ; Radosavljević, Tatjana S.  ; Pantić, Senka M. ; Nikolovski, Dubravka; Dugalić. Stefan  ; Pantić, Igor V.  Article
2019Gray-level co-occurrence matrix analysis of chromatin architecture in periportal and perivenous hepatocytesPaunović, Jovana  ; Vučević, Danijela  ; Radosavljević, Tatjana  ; Pantić, Senka ; Vesković, Milena  ; Pantić, Igor  Article
2020Gray-Level Co-Occurrence Matrix Analysis of Granule Neurons of the Hippocampal Dentate Gyrus Following Cortical InjuryPantić, Igor  ; Jeremić, Rada  ; Dacić, Sanja  ; Peković, Sanja  ; Pantić, Senka ; Đelić, Marina  ; Vitić, Zagorka; Brkić, Predrag  ; Brodski, ClaudeArticle
2012Grey level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) method: potential application in quantifying chromatin structural changes during lymphocyte migration and maturation in thymusPantić, Igor  ; Pantić, Senka ; Paunović Pantić, Jovana  ; Perović, MilanConference Paper
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2019Neurotoxocity, nephrotoxicity, and hepatotoxicity of copper-based nanoparticles: potential implications in molecular medicine and neurosciencesPantić, Senka ; Radivojević-Škodrić, Sanja  ; Lončar, Zlatibor  ; Pantić, Igor  Reviews
2015Novel strategies for neurotransmitter detection and measurement using advanced materialsPantić, Igor  ; Paunović Pantić, Jovana  ; Dimitrijević, Ivan ; Agata Blachnio; Aneta Przepiorka; Pantić, Senka Article
2013Nuclear entropy, angular second moment, variance and texture correlation of thymus cortical and medullar lymphocytes: Grey level co-occurrence matrix analysisPantić, Igor  ; Pantić, Senka ; Paunović Pantić, Jovana  ; Perović, MilanArticle
2017Postnatal Developmental Changes in Fractal Complexity of Giemsa-Stained Chromatin in Mice Spleen Follicular CellsPantić, Igor  ; Paunović, Jovana  ; Vučević, Danijela  ; Radosavljević, Tatjana  ; Dugalić, Stefan  ; Petković, Anita; Radojević-Škodrić, Sanja  ; Pantić, Senka Article