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Browsing by Author Šiđanin, Predrag

Showing results 1 to 20 of 33  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМp-cat.
2016Algoritam za poboljšanje termalnog komfora u urbanoj srediniBajšanski, Ivana  Doctoral theses
2017Application of Augmented and Virtual Reality in residential complex presentation, case study: Energoprojekt SunnyvillePejić, Petar  ; Lakićević, Milan; Krasić, Sonja M.  ; ŠIĐANIN, PREDRAG S.  Conference Paper
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2016Architectural Representations 1 - The Course at the Faculty of - Technical SciencesLAZIĆ, MARKO  ; ŠIĐANIN, PREDRAG  ; ŠTULIĆ, RADOVAN  ; NEDUČIN, DEJANA  Conference Paper
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2016Architectural Representations 1 - the Course at the Faculty of Technical SciencesLazić Marko; Šiđanin, Predrag  ; Štulić, Radovan  ; Nedučin, Dejana  Conference Paper
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2013Architectural Scale Models in the Digital AgeMilena Stavrić; Šiđanin, Predrag  ; Tepavčević, Bojan  Monograph
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2014Augmentovana realnost – istorijske analogije, primena i budućnostĐerić, Jovan  ; Šiđanin, Predrag  Book parts
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2013Fine Arts Subjects at Computer Graphics Studies at the Faculty of Technical Science in Novi SadŠiđanin, Predrag  ; Ratko Obradović; Miloš Vujanović; Branislav Popkonstantinović; Branislav Beljin; Igor KekeljevićArticle
2013'Flux liquida' - 10. bijenale akvarelaŠiđanin, Predrag  ; Maja Budžarov; Sanja Kojić MladenovArch works
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2011Generisanje prostora na osnovu perspektivnih slika i primena u oblasti graditeljskog nasleđaStojaković, Vesna  Doctoral theses
2011GIS Technologies in Urban Planning and EducationTepavčević, Bojan  ; Milan Šijakov; Šiđanin, Predrag  Conference Paper
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2012Gis technologies in urban planning and educationTepavčević, Bojan  ; Šijakov, Milan; Šiđanin, Predrag  Article
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2012Golden ratio proportions of the facades on buildnings in Zmaj Jovina and Dunavska street in Novi SadPERIŠIĆ, ANA  ; LAZIĆ, MARKO  ; ŠIĐANIN, PREDRAG  Conference Paper
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2017Immersive virtual reality course at the digital production studiesŠiđanin, Predrag  ; Lazić, Marko  ; Obradović, Ratko  Article
2014Конзумеризам и архитектонски наративи у модерном ентеријеру на крају XX и почетку XXI векаTodorov., MarkoDoctoral theses
2017Mogućnost korišćenja BIM tehnologije u procesima ishodovanja projektne dokumentacijeĐERIĆ, JOVAN M.  ; ŠIĐANIN, PREDRAG S.  Book parts
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2013MP_art_INTIMATEŠiđanin, Predrag  ; Maja Budžarov; Sanja Kojić-Mladenov; Sava StepanovMonograph
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2011MP_exp_20 INTIMATE COLLECTION -Šiđanin, Predrag  ; Maja BudžarovArch works
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2015Nastanak i transformacija upravnih zgrada građenih od 1790. godine do 1941. godine na teritoriji VojvodineSladić, MirjanaDoctoral theses
2012On the Flexibility of Deployable Dome Structures and Their Application in ArchitectureNikolić Dimitrije  ; Štulić, Radovan  ; Šiđanin, Predrag  Conference Paper
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2015Energy performance optimization of administrative buildings in the function of occupant comfortHarmati, NorbertDoctoral theses