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Browsing by Author Turanjanin, Veljko

Showing results 1 to 20 of 182  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМ-cat.
201612 гневних људи - порота у РусијиTuranjanin, Veljko  Conference Paper
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2017An Ethical Review of Euthanasia and Physician-assisted SuicideBanović, Božidar  ; Turanjanin, Veljko  ; Miloradović, AnđelaArticle
2019Anatomija privrednih krivičnih dela (✓)Turanjanin, Veljko  Monograph
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2021Анонимни сведоци и заштита људских праваTuranjanin, Veljko  Book parts
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2020Attitudes toward Euthanasia of Students of Law and Medicine in Serbia (✓)Dimovski, Darko T.  ; Turanjanin Veljko  ; Kolaković-Bojović, Milica R.  ; Cvorovic Dragana  Article
2017Autonomy of Public Prosecution Service - The Impact of the "Checks and Balances" Principle and International Standards (✓)Kolaković-Bojović, Milica R.  ; Turanjanin, Veljko M.  Article
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2017Бесплатна правна помоћ и ставови Европског суда за људска праваTuranjanin, Veljko M.  Conference Paper
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2022Бесплатна правна помоћ за жртве родно заснованог насиља из перспективе адвокатаТурањанин, Вељко  ; Чановић, Јелена  Article
2021Bulk surveillance between National security and right to privacyTuranjanin, Veljko  Conference Paper
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2015Цифровыe доказательства как новая форма доказательств в современный периодKovačević, Milica D.  ; Turanjanin, Veljko  ; Čvorović, Dragana S.  Conference Paper
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2024Citizens' views on vaccination against COVID-19Turanjanin, Veljko  Conference Paper
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2022Community Service as a Criminal Sanction in Serbian Criminal Legislation (✓)Ćorović Emir  ; Turanjanin, Veljko  ; Spasić, Dragana  Article
2018Composition of the criminal courtsTuranjanin, Veljko  ; Čvorović, Dragana  Article
2020Consequences of the implementation of American plea bargaining agreement in criminal procedure theory and practice in Serbia and KazakhstanSimonović, Branislav  ; Turanjanin, Veljko  ; Nuragliyev, Bakhyt MoldatjaevichArticle
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2017Cooperation between police and public prosecutor: Law and practice in SerbiaSoković, Snežana  ; Turanjanin, Veljko  ; Čvorović, Dragana  Article
2020Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Possibilities for Criminal Law Reaction in Europe: A ReviewTuranjanin, Veljko  ; Radulović, DarkoArticle
2013Criminal law reaction on drug abuseKovačević, Milica  ; Turanjanin, Veljko  Article
2020"Death tourism" in Europe: a potential problem in CroatiaTuranjanin, Veljko  Article
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2017Дело малог значаја и начело опортунитета кривичног гоњења (норма и пракса)Turanjanin, Veljko M.  ; Ćorović, Emir A.  Conference Paper
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2016Digital Evidences as a New Form of Evidences in the Modern Era (✓)Kovačević, Milica  ; Turanjanin, Veljko  ; Čvorović, DraganaConference Paper
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