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Browsing by Author Tešić, Dragan

Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМ-cat.
2023Association of echocardiographic parameters and diabetic foot examination with risk of heart failure and all-cause mortality: a prospective observational study (✓)Tesic, Dragan S ; Andric, Dragica D  ; Petrovic, Milovan  ; Ilic, Aleksandra MR  ; Miljkovic, Tatjana R  ; Dejanovic, Jadranka  ; Popov, Tanja T  ; Tomic, Miroslav T  ; Andric, SP; Tomic, MDConference Paper
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2019Diabetes is the risk factor which runs alongside the STEMI patients who died in hospital or in 1-year follow up period (✓)Andric, Dragica  ; Tesic, Dragan S ; Petrovic, Milovan  ; Redzek, Aleksandar  ; Andric, S; Tomic, Miroslav T  Conference Paper
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2023Eccentric hypertrophy and all-cause mortality in prematurely died patients with diabetes mellitus (✓)Andrić, (Tešić) Dragica  ; Popov, Tanja  ; Andrić, Stefan; Miljković, Tatjana  ; Petrović, Milovan  ; Stefanović, Maja  ; Tadić, Snežana  ; Ilić, Aleksandra  ; Dejanović, Jadranka  ; Tešić, Dragan Conference Paper
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2013Hronične mikrovaskularne komplikacije i metabolizam lipida i lipoproteina kod obolelih od tipa 1 šećerne bolestiMITROVIĆ, MILENA  ; TEŠIĆ, DRAGAN ; TOMIĆ NAGLIĆ, DRAGANA  ; D. Tomić; NOVAKOVIĆ PARO, JOVANKA ; BAJKIN, IVANA  ; BENC, DAMIR; A. Milovančev; STOKIĆ, EDITA  ; MEDIĆ STOJANOSKA, MILICA  ;
B. Kovačev-Zavišić;
Conference Paper
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2023Kliničke i histomorfološke promene hronične ulceracije dijabetičnog stopala nakon otklanjanja mehaničkog stresa na stopalo (✓)Томић, Мирослав  Doctoral theses
1995Lipidski status u makrovaskularnoj bolesti dijabetesnih bolesnika (✓)Tešić, Dragan ; Đerić, Mirjana  ; Pantelinac, Pavle ; Đolai, Matilda  Conference Paper
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2021Obesity and decreased vibration perception associated with premature cardiovascular mortality in a single center prospective study of people with diabetes (✓)Andric, D; Tesic, Dragan S ; Andric, S; Tomic, MD; Petrovic, Milovan  ; Miljković, Tatjana  ; Stefanovic, Maja Z  ; Popov, Tanja T  ; Tomic, Miroslav T  Conference Paper
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2021Obesity and decreased vibration perception associated with premature cardiovascular mortality in a single centre prospective of study of people with diabetes (✓)Tesic, Dragan S ; Andric, D; Tomic, Miroslav T  ; Andric, S; Tomic, MDConference Paper
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2019Prognostički značaj proteinurije kod obolelih sa tipom 1 i tipom 2 šećerne bolesti (✓)Tomić, Mirjana  ; Tešić, Dragan ; Mitrović, Milena  ; Pejin, Radoslav  ; Andrić, Dragica  ; Andrić, StefanArticle
2013Stepen uhranjenosti i metabolizam lipida i lipoproteina kod bolesnika sa tipom 2 šećerne bolestiPOPOVIĆ, ĐORĐE  ; MITROVIĆ, MILENA  ; TEŠIĆ, DRAGAN ; TOMIĆ NAGLIĆ, DRAGANA  ; D. Tomić; NOVAKOVIĆ PARO, JOVANKA ; BAJKIN, IVANA  ; Pejaković, Slađana  ; VUKOVIĆ, BOJAN; S. Vukadinović;
STOKIĆ, EDITA  ; B. Kovačev-Zavišić;
Conference Paper
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2017Sudomotor examination should be regularly performed in patients frompredialysis stage (CKD4) but also after transplantation to detect nerve regeneration (✓)Tesic, Dragan ; Papanas, N; Stokic, Edita  ; Mitrovic, Milena  ; Bajkin, Ivana  ; Icin, Tijana  ; Tomić, M; Vukovic, BojanConference Paper
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