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Browsing by Author Nitovski, Atanas

Showing results 1 to 20 of 57  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМ-cat.
2015Anatomsko fiziološke karakteristike laktacije krmačaNitovski, Atanas Monograph
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2015Angiography of A. Ovarica in Californian Rabbit (Orictolagus Cuniculus) (✓)Valentina Milanović  ; Verica Mrvić  ; Nitovski, Atanas ; Bisa Radović  ; Božidar Milošević  Conference Paper
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2010Assesment of biosecurity measures on a pig farm (✓)Nitovski, Atanas ; Milenkovic M; Stoja Jotanovic; Valentina Milanovic  ; Bisa Radovic  ; Dragana Grcak  Conference Paper
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2012BETA – CAROTINE AND VITAMIN A LEVEL IN BLOOD SERUM AT HIGHLY PREGNANT COWS AND THOSE IN LACTATION FED BY DIFFERENT STRUCTURE MEALS (✓)Radović, Bisa  ; Janjić, Jasmina  ; M. Milenković; Jašović, Boban  ; Nitovski, Atanas ; Milanović, Valentina  Conference Paper
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2011Biosecurity Assesment Measures on a Cow FarmsNitovski, Atanas ; M Milenković; Dragana Grčak; Bisa Radović; Stoja Jotanović; Valentine Milanović; S VukašinovićConference Paper
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2011Biosecurity assesment measures on cow farms (✓)Nitovski, Atanas V. ; Milenković M; Grčak, Dragana T.  ; Radović, Bisa V.  ; Jotanović Stoja; Milanović, Valentina  ; Vukasinović SConference Paper
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2013Biosecurity assessment measures on a sheep farmsNitovski, Atanas V. ; Milenković M; Radović, Bisa V.  ; Milanović, Valentina  ; Grčak, Dragana T.  ; Grčak MConference Paper
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2011Blood biochemical parameters of simmental cows in different phases of reproductive cycleRadović, Bisa  ; Jotanovic, Stoja; Savic, Djordje; Nitovski, Atanas Article
2012COMPARATIVE ANATOMY OF ANDITORY OSSICLE ET HUMANS AND DOMESTIC ANIMALS (✓)Nitovski, Atanas ; Đukić-Macut, Nataša  ; Filipović, Tatjana  ; Milanović, Valentina  ; Radović, Bisa  ; Grčak, Dragana  Conference Paper
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2012COMPARATIVE ANATOMY OF ARCUS AORTAE IN HUMANS AND DOMESTIC ANIMALSNitovski, Atanas ; Filipović, Tatjana  ; Đukić-Macut, Nataša  ; Milanović, Valentina  ; Grčak, Dragana  ; Radović, Bisa  Conference Paper
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2013Development Plan of Biosecurity for one Sheep FarmNitovski, Atanas ; Grčak, Dragana  ; M. Milenković; Milanović, Valentina  ; Radović, Bisa  ; M. GrčakConference Paper
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2011Effect of probiotic farm pack y on morbidity and mortality at suckling piglrts (✓)Valentina Milanović  ; Milenko Milenković; Božidar Milošević  ; Nitovski, Atanas ; Bratislav Pešić; Stanko StefanovskiArticle
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2007Fasciola hepatica findings in cattle of Jablanica region (✓)Milanović, Valentina  ; Nitovski, Aleksandar ; Kulišić, Zoran ; Mirilović, Milorad  ; Popović, Boban; Đorđević, DraganaArticle
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2011Fasciolosis as existing problem in South-East SerbiaMilanović, Valentina  ; Milenković M; Milošević, Božidar  ; Nitovski, Atanas ; Spasić, Zvonko  ; Radović, Bisa  Conference Paper
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2011Fiziološko-hemijska svojstva sirove kože domaćih životinja u zimskom i prolećnom perioduGrčak Dragana  ; Matarugić D; Savić Verica; Nitovski, Atanas ; Ristanović Bojana; Omerović Izeta  ; Grčak MConference Paper
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2015Fluorescent Microscopy of Gastric Mucosal Tissue of Cattle and Pigs (✓)Nitovski, Atanas V. ; Radović, Bisa V.  ; Grčak, Dragana T.  ; Milanović, Valentina S.  ; Potić Floranović, Milena S. ; Grcak, Milosav M.  Article
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2015Fluorescent Microskopy of gastric mucosal tissue of Catle and PigsNitovski, Atanas ; Radović, Bisa  ; Grčak, Dragana  ; Milanović, Valentina  ; m. potić-floranović; M. Milenković; M. Grčak Article
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2015Influence of Modern Biochemical and Biophysical Test Methods to distinguish the Anatomical, Histological and Psysiological Characteristics of the Gastric MucosaNitovski, Atanas V. ; Radović, Bisa V.  ; Grčak, Dragana T.  ; Milanović, Valentina  ; Milenković M; Grčak M Conference Paper
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2015Influence of Modern biohemical and biophisical test metods, to distiguish the anatomical, histological,and physiological characteristics of the gastric mucosa (✓)Nitovski, Atanas ; Bisa Radović  ; Dragana Grčak  ; Valentina Milanović  ; Milenković M; Grčak MConference Paper
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2015Influence of premix - Application on production results of laying hensGrčak D; Mitrović B; Nitovski, Atanas ; Grčak MConference Paper
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