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Browsing by Author Glišić, Branislav

Showing results 1 to 20 of 106  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМp-cat.
2019A novel method of photogrammetry measurements of study models in orthodonticsArapović-Savić, Marijana; Savić, Mihajlo; Umićević-Davidović, Mirjana; Arbutina, Adriana; Nedeljković, Nenad  ; Glišić, Branislav  Article
1991A study of sagittal jaw relationships in patients with Klinefelter's syndromeŠćepan, Ivana  ; Glišić, Branislav  ; Babić, MarkoArticle
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2014A systematic review of effectiveness of functional apliances in treatment of skeletal class II malocclusionŠćepan, Ivana V.  ; Glišić, Branislav R.  ; Marković, Evgenija S.  ; Juloski, Jovana T.  Conference Paper
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1990Analiza sagitalnih skeletnih odnosa kod osoba sa normalnom okluzijomGlišić, Branislav  ; Jaksić, NevenkaArticle
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2012Analysis of orthodontic and orthodontic-surgical treatment effect on upper airways and facial soft-tissues using CBCTStefanović, Neda  Doctoral theses
2022ANALYSIS OF COL1A1 AND MMP9 SINGLE NUCLEOTIDE POLYMORPHISMS IN MANDIBULAR PROGNATHISMMilosevic, O.; Nikolic, N.  ; Carkic, J.  ; Majstorović, N.; Glisic, B.  ; Milasin, J.  Article
2009Application of occlusal indices in orthodontic practiceĐorđević, Jelena; Šćepan, Ivana  ; Glišić, Branislav  Article
2018Assesment of growth pattern and relationship between cervical and craniofacial structuresLazić, EmiraDoctoral theses
2019Association between class 1 myosin (MYO1H) single nucleotide polymorphism (rs3825393) and mandibular prognathismCarkic, Jelena  ; Milosevic, Olga; Nikolic, Nadja  ; Glisic, Branislav  ; Jelena Milasin  Conference Paper
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2008Bond strength of orthodontic adhesivesMarković, Evgenija; Glišić, Branislav  ; Šćepan, Ivana  ; Marković, Dejan  ; Jokanović, Vukoman Article
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2015Changes in cervical lordosis and cervicovertebral morphology in different ages with the possibility of estimating skeletal maturityLazić, Emira; Glišić, Branislav  ; Stamenković, Zorana  ; Nedeljković, Nenad  Article
2004Promene položaja i odnosa vilica kod osoba lečenih Deler-ovom maskomGlišić, Branislav  ; Šćepan, Ivana  ; Nikolić, Zorana; Đorđević, DušanArticle
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2004Changes in position and relationship between jaws in children treated with Delair’s maskGlišić, Branislav  ; Šćepan, Ivana  ; Nikolić, Zorana; Đorđević, DušanArticle
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2014Changes in subgingival microflora after placement and removal of fixed orthodontic appliancesŽivković-Sandić, Marija  ; Popović, Branka  ; Čarkić, Jelena  ; Nikolić, Nadja  ; Glišić, Branislav  Article
2019Characterisation of NiTi Orthodontic Archwires Surface after the Simulation of Mechanical Loading in CACO2-2 Cell CultureLepojević, Nikola ; Šćepan, Ivana  ; Glišić, Branislav  ; Jenko, Monika; Godec, Matjaz; Hocevar, Samo; Rudolf, RebekaArticle
2020Combined orthodontic and surgical treatment of impacted maxillary canine in young patient with class II malocclusion: A case reportPašagić, Ljubica; Ilić, Ivana; Kecman, Vesna; Bulajić, Marko; Zubović, Nina; Glišić, Branislav  Article
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2014Comparison of niti orthodontic archwires and a determination of the characteristic propertiesFercec, Janko; Kos, Matija; Bruncko, Mihael; Anžel, Ivan; Glišić, Branislav  ; Marković, Evgenija  ; Rudolf, RebekaArticle
2015Comparison of skeletal and dental effects in class II malocclusion patients treated with three different types of functional appliancesJuloski, Jovana  ; Ristić, Vladimir; Stamenković, Zorana  ; Stefanović, Neda  ; D. Nikolin; Glišić, Branislav  Conference Paper
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2015Kraniofacijalne promene kod pacijenata II skeletne klase lečenih aparatom sa zavrtnjem za mezijalno pomeranje donje viliceRistić, Vladimir B.Doctoral theses
2008Craniofacial complex specificities in five men with sex reversal syndromeŠćepan, Ivana  ; Glišić, Branislav  ; Marković, Evgenija; Babić, MarkoArticle