eNauka - pregled

Pregled prema Autor Jakovčevski, Igor

Prikaz rezultata 1 do 19 od 19
GodinaNaslovAutor(i)Tip rezultataMp-kat.
2009Better functional outcome of compression spinal cord injury in mice is associated with enhanced H-reflex responsesLee, Hyun Joon; Jakovčevski, Igor ; Radonjić, Nevena; Hoelters, Laura; Schachner, Melitta; Irintchev, AndreyNaučni članak
21M21 - Rad u vrhunskom međ. časopisu
2009Close Homologue of Adhesion Molecule L1 Promotes Survival of Purkinje and Granule Cells and Granule Cell Migration During Murine Cerebellar DevelopmentJakovcevski, Igor ; Siering, Janina; Hargus, Gunnar; Karl, Nicole; Hoelters, Laura; Djogo, Nevena; Yin, Shengming; Zecevic, Nada; Schachner, Melitta; Irintchev, AndreyArticle
2018Confocal synaptology: Synaptic rearrangements in neurodegenerative disorders and upon nervous system injuryVulović, Maja  ; Divac, Nevena  ; Jakovčevski, Igor Naučni članak
21aM21a - Rad u međ. časopisu izuzetnih vrednosti
2014Diversity of Cortical Interneurons in Primates: The Role of the Dorsal Proliferative NicheRadonjic, Nevena V; Ayoub, Albert E; Memi, Fani; Yu, Xiaojing; Maroof, Asif; Jakovcevski, Igor ; Anderson, Stewart A; Rakic, Pasko; Zecevic, NadaNaučni članak
21M21 - Rad u vrhunskom međ. časopisu
2010GABAergic synaptic coverage of principal cells in the hippocampus in the rat model of schizophreniaRadonjic, Nevena V; Jakovcevski, Igor ; Bumbasirevic, Vladimir Z; Petronijevic, Natasa D  Konferencijski rad
Mp kategorija će biti prikazana naknadno.
2015Intraspinal delivery of polyethylene glycol coated gold nanoparticles promotes functional recovery after spinal cord injuryF. Papastefanaki; I. Jakovčevski ; N. Poulia; N. Đogo; F. Schulz; Martinović, Tamara I.  ; Ćirić, Darko N.  ; G. Loers; T. Vossmeyer; H. Weller;
M. Schachner; R. Matsas;
Conference Paper
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2015Intraspinal Delivery of Polyethylene Glycol-coated Gold Nanoparticles Promotes Functional Recovery After Spinal Cord InjuryPapastefanaki, Florentia; Jakovcevski, Igor ; Poulia, Nafsika; Đogo, Nevena ; Schulz, Florian; Martinović, Tamara  ; Ćirić, Darko  ; Loers, Gabrielle; Vossmeyer, Tobias; Weller, Horst;
Schachner, Melitta; Matsas, Rebecca;
2019Long-term effects of maternal deprivation in rats on the number of interneurons in the neocortex and hippocampusAksić, Milan  ; Poleksić, Joko  ; Aleksić, Dubravka  ; Petronijević, Nataša D.  ; Radonjić, Nevena  ; Jevtić-Dožudić, Gordana  ; Jakovčevski, Maja; Aksić, Miljana R.; Filipović, Branislav ; Jakovčevski, Igor Conference Paper
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2021Maternal Deprivation in Rats Decreases the Expression of Interneuron Markers in the Neocortex and HippocampusAksić, Milan  ; Poleksić, Joko  ; Aleksić, Dubravka  ; Petronijević, Nataša  ; Radonjić, Nevena  ; Jakovčevski, Maja; Kapor, Slobodan  ; Divac, Nevena  ; Filipović, Branislav ; Jakovčevski, Igor Article
2014Novelties in the Anatomy of the Central Nervous System and Related DisordersFilipović, Branislav ; Radonjic, Nevena; Jakovcevski, Igor ; Petrovic, MilosArticle
2013Perinatal phencyclidine administration decreases the density of cortical interneurons and increases the expression of neuregulin-1Radonjić, Nevena V.; Jakovcevski, Igor ; Bumbaširević, Vladimir ; Petronijević, Nataša  Article
2021Pharmacology of repair after peripheral nerve injuryDivac, Nevena  ; Aksić, Milan  ; Rasulić, Lukas  ; Jakovčevski, Maja; Basailović, Miloš  ; Jakovčevski, Igor Article
2014Second-Generation Antipsychotics and Extrapyramidal Adverse EffectsDivac, Nevena  ; Prostran, Milica ; Jakovcevski, Igor ; Cerovac, Natasa  Article
2017Tenascin-C deficiency protects mice from experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitisMomčilović, Miljana  ; Stamenković, Vera  ; Jovanović, Miloš ; Anđus, Pavle R.  ; Jakovčevski, Igor ; Schachner, Melitta; Miljković, Đorđe  Article
2012Tenascins and inflammation in disorders of the nervous systemJakovcevski, Igor ; Miljković, Đorđe  ; Schachner, Melitta; Anđus, Pavle  Article
2014The complexity of the calretinin-expressing progenitors in the human cerebral cortexRadonjic, Nevena V; Ortega, Juan Alberto; Memi, Fani; Dionne, Krista; Jakovcevski, Igor ; Zecevic, NadaArticle
2019The effect polyethylene glycol-coated gold nanoparticles on ultrastructural morphology of spinal cord after injuryMartinović, Tamara I.  ; Ćirić, Darko N.  ; Kravić-Stevović, Tamara  ; Papastefanaki, Florentia; Jakovčevski, Igor ; Poulia, Nafsika; Đogo, Nevena; Schulz, Florian; Loers, Gabrielle; Vossmeyer, Tobias;
Weller, Horst; Schachner, Melitta; Matsas, Rebecca; Bumbaširević, Vladimir ;
Conference Paper
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2016The extracellular matrix glycoprotein tenascin-C and matrix metalloproteinases modify cerebellar structural plasticity by exposure to an enriched environmentStamenković, Vera  ; Stamenković, Stefan  ; Jaworski, Tomasz; Gawlak, Maciej; Jovanović, Miloš ; Jakovcevski, Igor ; Wilczynski, Grzegorz M.; Kaczmarek, Leszek; Schachner, Melitta; Radenović, Lidija  ;
Anđus, Pavle  ;
2023The long-term effects of maternal deprivation on the number and size of inhibitory interneurons in the rat amygdala and nucleus accumbensAleksić, Dubravka Z.  ; Poleksić, Joko Lj.  ; Agatonović, Gorana; Đulejić, Vuk  ; Vulovic, Maja  ; Aksić, Miljana  ; Reiss, Gebhard; Hamad, Mohammad IK; Jakovčevski, Igor ; Aksić, Milan Z.  Article