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Browsing by Author Čvoro, Aleksandra

Showing results 1 to 20 of 82  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМp-cat.
20143D in vitro model of a functional epidermal permeability barrier from hESC and iPSCPetrova, Anastasia; Celli, Anna; Jacquet, Laureen; Dafou, Dimitra; Crumrine, Debra; Hupe, Melanie; Arno, Matthew; Hobbs, Carl; Čvoro, Aleksandra  ; Karagiannis, Panagiotis;
Devito, Liani; Sun, Richard; Adame, Lillian C.; Vaughan, Robert; McGrath, John A.; Mauro, Theodora M.; Ilić, Duško;
2014A Conserved Thyroid Hormone Receptor/KLF9 Axis Active in Multiple Cell TypesČvoro, A.  ; Devito, L.; Sieglaff, D.H.; Ilić, D.; Webb, P.Conference Paper
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2011A peroxisome proliferator activated receptor (PPAR) gamma/PPAR gamma coactivator 1 (beta) autoregulatory loop in adipocyte mitochondrial functionDeng, Tuo; Sieglaff, Douglas H.; Zhang, Aijun; Lyon, Christopher J.; Ayers, Steven D.; Čvoro, Aleksandra  ; Gupte, Anisha A.; Xia, Xuefeng; Baxter, John D.; Webb, Paul;
Hsueh, Willa A.;
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2011A peroxisome proliferator activated receptor g (PPARg) coactivator 1b autoregulatory loop in adipocyte mitochondrial biogenesisDeng, T.; Sieglaff, D.; Zhang, A.; Lyon, C.; Ayers, S.; Čvoro, A.  ; Xia, X.; Baxter, J.D.; Webb, P.; Hsueh, W.A.Conference Paper
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2000Moguća uloga metalotioneina i proteina toplotnog stresa u zaštiti glukokokortikoidnog receptora u uslovima trovanja kadmijumomDunđerski, Jadranka S.; Predić, Jelena; Kovač, Tanja; Pavković, Nada; Ivanišević, Ljubica; Čvoro, Aleksandra  ; Matić, GordanaArticle
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2000A possible role of metallothionein and heat shock proteins in the glucocorticoid receptor protection against cadmium intoxicationDundjerski, J.; Predić, J.; Kovač, T.; Pavković, N.; Ivanišević, Lj.; Čvoro, A.  ; Matić, GordanaArticle
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2018A role for thyroid receptor isoforms in mitochondrial bioenergetic capacity of human adipose-derived stem cellGolić, Igor  ; Čvoro, Aleksandra  ; Webb, Paul; Korać, Aleksandra  Conference Paper
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2015A thyroid hormone receptor/KLF9 axis in human hepatocytes and pluripotent stem cellsČvoro, Aleksandra  ; Devito, Liani; Milton, Flora A.; Noli, Laila; Zhang, Aijun; Filippi, Celine; Sakai, Keiko; Suh, Ji Ho; Sieglaff, Douglas H.; Dhawan, Anil;
Sakai, Takao; Ilić, Duško; Webb, Paul;
2023ACOX-driven peroxisomal heterogeneity and functional compartmentalization in brown adipocytes of hypothyroid ratsAleksic, Marija N  ; Golic, Igor  ; Jankovic, Aleksandra  ; Cvoro, Aleksandra  ; Korac, Aleksandra B  Article
2003Aktivnost tirozin aminotransferaze u jetri pacova i indukcija enzima deksametazonom u uslovima intoksikacije kadmijumomDunđerski, Jadranka S.; Predić, Jelena; Čvoro, Aleksandra  ; Matić, GordanaArticle
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2006Promene unutarćelijske lokalizacije glukokortikoidnog receptora izazvane hipertermijskim stresomČvoro, Aleksandra  ; Korać, Aleksandra  ; Matić, GordanaArticle
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1998Association of the rat liver glucocorticoid receptor with Hsp90 and Hsp70 upon whole body hyperthermic stressČvoro, A.  ; Dundjerski, J.; Trajković, D.; Matić, GordanaArticle
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2019“Comparison of human isogeneic Wharton's jelly MSCs and iPSC-derived MSCs reveals differentiation-dependent metabolic responses to IFNG stimulation.”Devito, Liani; Klontzas, Michail E.; Čvoro, Aleksandra  ; Galleu, Antonio; Simon, Marisa; Hobbs, Carl; Dazzi, Francesco; Mantalaris, Athanasios; Khalaf, Yacoub; Ilić, DuškoArticle
2011Cross talk between glucocorticoid and estrogen receptors occurs at a subset of proinflammatory genesČvoro, Aleksandra  ; Yuan, Chaoshen; Paruthiyil, Sreenivasan; Miller, Oliver H.; Yamamoto, Keith R.; Leitman, Dale C.Article
2004Dax-1 blocks proliferation of breast cancer cells through repression of ER activated activated cell cycle genesTzagarakis-Foster, C.; Paruthiyil, S.; Parmar, H.; An, J.P.; Čvoro, A.  ; Tatomer, D.; Tanksley, G.; Cunha, G.; Leitman, D.C.Conference Paper
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2017Different expression of TRs in rat brown adipose tissue in induced hypothyroidismAleksić, M.  ; Golić, I.  ; Čvoro, A.  ; Janković, A.; Korać, B.  ; Korać, A.  Conference Paper
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2003Differential gene regulation by estrogen receptors with 17β-estradiol and conjugated equine estrogensWachs D.S.; Tzagarakis-Foster, C.; Čvoro, A.  ; Leitman, D.C.Conference Paper
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2008Differential transcriptional repression of inflammatory genes by estrogen and glucocorticoid receptorsČvoro, A.  ; Leitman, D.C.Conference Paper
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2006Distinct roles of unliganded and liganded estrogen receptors in transcriptional repressionČvoro, Aleksandra  ; Tzagarakis-Foster, Christina; Tatomer, Deirdre; Paruthiyil, Sreenivasan; Fox, Mark S.; Leitman, Dale C.Article
2009Drug and cell type-specific regulation of genes with different classes of estrogen receptor beta-selective agonistsParuthiyil, Sreenivasan; Čvoro, Aleksandra  ; Zhao, Xiaoyue; Wu, Zhijin; Sui, Yunxia; Staub, Richard E.; Baggett, Scott; Herber, Candice B.; Griffin, Chandi; Tagliaferri, Mary;
Harris, Heather A.; Cohen, Isaac; Bjeldanes, Leonard F.; Speed, Terence P.; Schaufele, Fred; Leitman, Dale C.;