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Browsing by Author J. Kovačević

Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМ-cat.
2012Comparative radiological impact assessment in areas of elevated natural radioactivity in Greece and SerbiaH. Florou; Dragović, Snežana  ; G. Trabidou; Ćujić, Mirjana  ; P. Kritidis; Petrović, Jelena  ; M. Sotiropoulou; J. KovačevićConference Paper
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2014Dynamics of inkjet drop formationKatona, Jaroslav M.  ; F. Ruttens; Fraj, Jadranka L.  ; J. KovačevićConference Paper
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2012Effective communication and idea generation - how to stimulate users to create more ideasVRGOVIĆ, PETAR D.  ; J. Kovačević; Mihailović, Dobrivoje M.Conference Paper
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2013Effects of stimulating communication on customers idea generation processesVRGOVIĆ, PETAR D.  ; I. Jošanov-Vrgović; J. KovačevićArticle
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2011Forenzička analiza govornog signalaL. Nešić; J. Kovačević; Stevović-Otašević, Jadranka R.Article
2017GEODIVERISTY OF STARA PLANINA MOUNTAIN: SOME SEDIMENTARY UNITSGanić, Meri B.  ; Vakanjac, Boris B.  ; Milovanović, Dragan J. ; J. KovačevićConference Paper
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2017Geodiversity of Stara Planina Mountain: some sedimentary unitsB. Vakanjac; J. Kovačević; M. Ganić; D. MilovanovićConference Paper
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2017Heavy metals in soil in Srem (Vojvodina): contamination level and mobilityM. Poznanović; Sakan, Sanja M.  ; Manojlović, Dragan D.  ; P. Tančić; Škrivanj, Sandra B.; J. Kovačević; S. PetrovićConference Paper
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2018ИНКЛУЗИВНА КУЛТУРА – ОСНОВ КВАЛИТЕТА САВРЕМЕНОГ ОБРАЗОВАЊАJ. Kovačević; V. Radovanović; Z. Jačova; D. BogavacConference Paper
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2016Klinički i laboratorijski parametri na početku bolesti kod dece sa akuntom limfoblastnom leukemijomLazić, Jelena L.  ; G. Milošević; J. KovačevićConference Paper
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2013Marketing strategije niskotarifnih avio kompanija sa posebnim osvrtom na tršište SrbijeS. Mihić; J. Stanković; J. Kovačević; Rakić, Slobodan S. ; Milan CekovićArticle
2017Natural Radioactivity of Intrusive-Metamorphic and Sedimentary Rocks of the Balkan Mountain Range (Serbia, Stara Planina)S. Masod Abdulaqader; B. Vakanjac  ; J. Kovačević; Z. Naunović  ; N. ZdjeralevićArticle
2017On approximate analytical solutions of equations of motion: toda oscillators and an optimal orbital transferJ. Kovačević; M. Bosnić; SPASIĆ, DRAGAN T.  Conference Paper
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2016ORE MINERALIZATION AT STUDIED GEOMAGNETIC ANOMALIES ON MT. GOLIJAJ. Kovačević; B. Vakanjac; D. Nikolić; M. PandurovConference Paper
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2017Radioactivity of Characteristic Uranium - Bearing Geologic Units of Mt. Stara PlaninaVakanjac, Boris B.  ; S. Abdulqader; J. Kovačević; Naunović, Zorana Z.  ; N. Zdjelarević  Conference Paper
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2019Uranium in Serbia - a review of past exploration and findingsJ. Kovačević; B. VakanjacConference Paper
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2009Uticaj izvora ugljenika i azota na produkciju ramnolipida pomoću Pseudomonas aerugionosa san-ai (✓)M. Rikalović  ; J. Kovačević; I. Karadžić; G. Gojgić-Cvojović; M. VrvićConference Paper
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2012Uticaj mehaničke modifikacije govora na akustičku strukturu govornih segmenataJ. Kovačević; Šešum, Mia M.  Conference Paper
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