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Browsing by Author Lazić, Emira

Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМp-cat.
2018Assesment of growth pattern and relationship between cervical and craniofacial structuresLazić, EmiraDoctoral theses
2015Changes in cervical lordosis and cervicovertebral morphology in different ages with the possibility of estimating skeletal maturityLazić, Emira; Glišić, Branislav  ; Stamenković, Zorana  ; Nedeljković, Nenad  Article
2016Relationship between the vertical craniofacial disproportions and the cervicovertebral morphology in adult subjectsTrajković, Milena; Lazić, Emira; Nedeljković, Nenad  ; Stamenković, Zorana  ; Glišić, Branislav  Article
2022Osnovi oralne implantologijeAleksić, Ema  ; Biočanin, Vladimir  ; Pejanović, Đorđe  ; Borotić, Nenad  ; Gajić, Milica ; Jevremović, Ana  ; Kalevski, Katarina  ; Lazić, Emira; Marjanović, Marjan  ; Marjanović, Uroš;
Milutinović, Jovana  ; Nikolić, Živorad  ; Pavlović, Maja  ; Pejović, Marko  ; Ristić, Tamara ; Vuković, Nemanja ;
Text book
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2021The application of artificial intelligence algorithms for testing the correlation between the state of oral health and adolescent behavior concerning oral healthGajić, Milica ; Lalić, Maja; Kalevski, Katarina  ; Lazić, Emira; Pavlović, Maja  ; Ivanović, Mirjana; Milić, Jasmina  ; Matijević, Dušanka  ; Vojinović, Jovan M. Article
2014The use of ibuprofen in the treatment of postoperative pain in dentistryJakovljević, Aleksandar  ; Lazić, Emira; Perunović, Neda  ; Nedeljković, Nenad  Article
2020Procena terapijskih efekata treinera T4K primenjenog u ranoj mešovitoj denticijiАлексић, Ема  Doctoral theses
2015Radiographic assessment of lower third molar eruption in different anteroposterior skeletal patterns and age-related groupsJakovljević, Aleksandar  ; Lazić, Emira; Soldatović, Ivan  ; Nedeljković, Nenad  ; Andrić, Miroslav  Article
2016The characteristics of craniofacial and cervicovertebral morphology in different genetic syndromes - a literature review and three case reportsLazić, Emira; Jakovljević, Aleksandar  ; Nikodijević-Latinović, Angelina; Nedeljković, Nenad  Article
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2018The third molars for indicating legal adult age in MontenegroAntunović, Marija; Galić, Ivan  ; Zelić, Ksenija  ; Nedeljković, Nenad  ; Lazić, Emira; Đurić, Marija  ; Cameriere, RobertoArticle