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Browsing by Author N. Randjelovic

Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМp-cat.
2011Changes in craniofacial structures after extraction of four first premolars - clinical posterStamenković, Zorana  ; Nedeljković, Nenad Lj.  ; N. Randjelovic; Violeta DusicConference Paper
Mp. category will be shown later
2016Combined Orthodontic and Surgical Treatment in patient with long face Syndrome and open bite - case reportStamenković, Zorana  ; Stojić, Vanja N.  ; Biljana Rakovic; Jezdić, Zoran M.  ; N. RandjelovicConference Paper
Mp. category will be shown later
2015Early treatment of Skeletal Class II and III by Frankel functional regulatorStojić, Vanja  ; Stamenković, Zorana  ; N. Randjelovic; Emira Lazic; Borislav NovakovConference Paper
Mp. category will be shown later
2015Kombinovani ortodontsko hirurski tretman III klase sa ekstraoralnom facijalnom asimetrijomStojić, Vanja N.  ; Stamenković, Zorana  ; Ivana Cupic; V. Ristic; N. RandjelovicConference Paper
Mp. category will be shown later
2017NON-EXTRACTION TREATMENT OF CROWDING BY FIXED APPLIANCES – CASE REPORTStamenković, Zorana Z.  ; Stojić, Vanja N.  ; Jelena Stambolija; Nedeljković, Nenad Lj.  ; N. RandjelovicConference Paper
Mp. category will be shown later
2014Orthodontic and surgical procedures in a patient with a skeletal open bite and Class III malocclusionStamenković, Zorana  ; Nedeljković, Nenad Lj.  ; Jezdić, Zoran M.  ; Miro Mirkovic; N. RandjelovicConference Paper
Mp. category will be shown later
2010Treatment of a Class III malocclusion with the Frankel functional regulator - a case reportStamenković, Zorana  ; N. Randjelovic; Nedeljković, Nenad Lj.  ; Borislav NovakovConference Paper
Mp. category will be shown later
2012Treatment of bimaxillary protrusion with extraction of four first molars - case reportStamenković, Zorana  ; Nedeljković, Nenad Lj.  ; N. Randjelovic; Violeta Dusic; Vanja FilipovicConference Paper
Mp. category will be shown later
2015Treatment of distal bite in permanent dentition by fixed appliances - case reportStamenković, Zorana  ; Stojić, Vanja  ; N. Randjelovic; Tina Pajevic; Emira LazicConference Paper
Mp. category will be shown later
2017Tretman distalnog i ukrštenog zagrižaja primenom fiksnih aparata – prikaz slučajaStojić, Vanja N.  ; J. Stambolija; Stamenković, Zorana Z.  ; Nedeljković, Nenad Lj.  ; N. RandjelovicConference Paper
Mp. category will be shown later
2015Tretman II klase kamuflazom - prikaz slucajaStamenković, Zorana  ; Stojić, Vanja N.  ; I. Cupic; N. Randjelovic; Emira LazicConference Paper
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