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Browsing by Project Геолошка и екотоксиколошка истраживања у идентификацији геопатогених зона токсичних елемената у акумулацијама воде за пиће - истраживање метода и поступака смањивања утицаја биогеохемијских аномалија

Showing results 1 to 20 of 33  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМ-cat.
2014Alloy formation by underpotential deposition of Mg on Al from nitrate melts (✓)Cvetković, Vesna  ; Bjelica, Luka J.; Vukićević, Nataša  ; Jovićević, Jovan N. Conference Paper
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2016Applied Geochemistry in Ecological status identification of the area Knezevo – Pilatovica (✓)Vojin Gordanić; Trajković, Ivana  ; Nebojša Gavrilović; Gordanić Nemanja; Vidović, Milka Conference Paper
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2015Efikasnost primene modela određivanja koeficijenta biorazgradnje otpadnih voda (✓)Vidović, Milka ; Sanja Jovanić; Trajković, Ivana  ; Ćirić, Miloš  ; Gotovina, Željka  Conference Paper
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2019Equilibrium, mechanism and kinetic of Pb2+ and Cd2+ adsorption using amino functionalized three-dimensionally ordered (3DOM) aluminaMilošević, Dragana L.  ; Milošević, Milena D.  ; Popović, Mina Z.  ; Nikolić, Jovana M.  ; Anđela Simović  ; Tomić, Nataša Z. ; Marinković, Aleksandar D.  Conference Paper
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2019Evaluation of bottled water quality from the market of the republic of serbia (✓)Trajković, Ivana S.  ; Vidović, Milka M. ; Stojanović, Zoran; Antonović, Dušan; Sentić, Milica N.  Conference Paper
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2018Evaluation of commercial bottled water quality from the health aspect (✓)Trajković, Ivana S.  ; Vidović, Milka M. ; Sentić, Milica N.  ; Nikolić, Jovana M.  Conference Paper
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2016Formiranje Nb taloga na staklastom ugljeniku iz hloroaluminatnog rastopa (✓)Vukićević, Nataša  ; Cvetković, Vesna  ; Jovanović, Ljiljana S. Conference Paper
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2016Freshwater sponges – skeletal structure analysis using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopyAnđus, Stefan  ; Tubić, Bojana  ; Ilić, Marija  ; Đuknić, Jelena  ; Gačić, Zoran  ; Paunović, Momir  Article
2011Geochemical Map of Eastern Serbia in 1:1000000 and Application in Defining the Ecological Status of Selected Areas (✓)Vojin Gordanić; Milovanović, Dragan ; Vidović, Milka ; Rogan, Saša ; Trajković, Ivana  Conference Paper
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2016Geochemical mapping in Serbia: Its role in establishing geochemical baselines for the measurement of environmental changes (✓)Trajković, Ivana  ; Vojin Gordanić; Nemanja Gordanić; Vidović, Milka ; Rogan, Saša Conference Paper
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2019Hydrogeochemical investigation of the influence of natural radionuclides on the environment (✓)Vidović, Milka M. ; Vojin Gordanić; Trajković, Ivana S.  ; Verica Ljubić; Vesna Spasić JokićConference Paper
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2016Influence of natural radionuclides U, Ra and Rn in the living environment, NW Backa (✓)Vidović, Milka ; Trajković, Ivana  ; Rogan, Saša ; Petrović, Vladimir  ; Vještica SašaConference Paper
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2019Innovative approach for wireless electrochemical remediation of cyanotoxins based on bipolar electrochemistry (✓)Trajković, Ivana S.  ; Vidović, Milka M. ; Stojanović, Zoran; Stanković, Dalibor  ; Sentić, Milica N.  Conference Paper
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2018Innovative aproach for wireless electrochemical remediation of cyanotoxins based on bipolar electrochemistry (✓)Sentić, Milica N.  ; Trajković, Ivana S.  ; Vidović, Milka M. Conference Paper
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2015Ispravnost proizvoda za decu i odojčad koji potencijalno mogu da sadrže ftalate (✓)Trajković, Ivana  ; Vidović, Milka ; Vujačić, Vesna B. ; Sanja Jovanić; Pantelić, Ana Conference Paper
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2012Kvalitet flaširanih voda kao indikator njihove zdravstvene ispravnosti (✓)Vidović, Milka ; Trajković, Ivana  ; Rodić, Marko  ; Rogan, Saša ; Petrović, Vladimir  Conference Paper
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2019Macroscopic optical and diffraction assessment of encrustations and SEM analyses of phototrophic microbial mats from wellheads and select zones of emergence of mineral water in Serbia (✓)Šaraba, Vladimir  ; Popović, Sladana  ; Obradović, Vesna  ; Strbački, Jana  ; Gajić, Violeta  ; Vulić, Predrag; Subakov Simić, Gordana  ; Krunić, Olivera  Article
2011Mikrocistini kao ekotoksikološki problem u akumulacijama vode za piće (✓)Vidović, Milka ; Trajković, Ivana  ; Ilija TomićConference Paper
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2016Monitoring of Air Pollution from the point of Environmental Quality (✓)Vidović, Milka ; Trajković, Ivana  ; Vidović Marija; Imširagić Aleksandra; Vještica SašaArticle
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2019Nickel removal from aqueous solution using composite based on magnetite/expanded vermiculite (✓)Bugarčić, Mladen D.  ; Jovana Perendija  ; Milošević, Milena D.  ; Milošević, Dragana L.  ; Obradović, Milena B.  ; Karić, Nataša  ; Marinković, Aleksandar D.  Conference Paper
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