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Browsing by Project Povećanje energetske i ekološke efikasnosti procesa u ložištu za ugljeni prah i optimizacija izlazne grejne površine energetskog parnog kotla primenom sopstvenih softverskih alata (RS-33018)

Showing results 1 to 20 of 28  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeМp-cat.
2015Assessing the impact of primary measures for NOx reduction on the thermal power plant steam boilerStupar, Goran  ; Tucaković, Dragan R.  ; Živanović, Titoslav  ; Belošević, Srđan  Article
2018Calcium based sorbent calcination and sintering reaction models overviewTomanović, Ivan D.  ; Belošević, Srđan  ; Milićević, Aleksandar  ; Crnomarković, Nenad Đ.  Article
2018Determination of the wall variables within the zonal model of radiation inside a pulverized coal-fired furnaceCrnomarković, Nenad Đ.  ; Belošević, Srđan  ; Nemoda, Stevan  ; Tomanović, Ivan D.  ; Milićević, Aleksandar  Article
2018Development of mathematical model for co-firing pulverized coal and biomass in experimental furnaceMilićević, Aleksandar  ; Belošević, Srđan  ; Tomanović, Ivan D.  ; Crnomarković, Nenad Đ.  ; Tucaković, Dragan R.  Article
2019Full-scale CFD investigation of gas-particle flow, interactions and combustion in tangentially fired pulverized coal furnaceBelošević, Srđan  ; Tomanović, Ivan D.  ; Crnomarković, Nenad Đ.  ; Milićević, Aleksandar  Article
2012Influence of Application of Hottels Zonal Model and Six-Flux Model of Thermal Radiation on Numerical Simulations Results of Pulverized Coal Fired FurnaceCrnomarković, Nenad Đ.  ; Sijercic, Miroslav A.; Belošević, Srđan  ; Tucaković, Dragan R.  ; Živanović, Titoslav V.  Article
2012Influence of forward scattering on prediction of temperature and radiation fields inside the pulverized coal furnaceCrnomarković, Nenad Đ.  ; Sijercic, Miroslav; Belošević, Srđan  ; Stanković, Branislav D.  ; Tucaković, Dragan R.  ; Živanović, Titoslav  Article
2016Influence of the Gray Gases Number in the Weighted Sum of Gray Gases Model on the Radiative Heat Exchange Calculation Inside Pulverized Coal-Fired FurnacesCrnomarković, Nenad Đ.  ; Belošević, Srđan  ; Tomanović, Ivan D.  ; Milićević, Aleksandar  Article
2017Istraživanje termičkih i hidrauličkih uslova na grejnoj površini pri ključanju i krizi razmene toploteStojanović, Andrijana D.  Doctoral theses
2018Математичко моделирање и оптимизација процеса у ложишту на спрашени угаљ при директном косагоревању са биомасомMilićević, Aleksandar  Doctoral theses
2020Mathematical modelling and optimisation of lignite and wheat straw co-combustion in 350 MWe boiler furnaceMilićević, Aleksandar  ; Belošević, Srđan  ; Crnomarković, Nenad Đ.  ; Tomanović, Ivan D.  ; Tucaković, Dragan R.  Article
2016Modeling and Optimization of Processes for Clean and Efficient Pulverized Coal Combustion in Utility BoilersBelošević, Srđan  ; Tomanović, Ivan D.  ; Crnomarković, Nenad Đ.  ; Milićević, Aleksandar  ; Tucaković, Dragan R.  Article
2016Моделирање процеса у енергетском парном котлу са вишестепеним довођењем ваздуха по висини ложиштаStupar, Goran M.Doctoral theses
2017Modeling of Pulverized Coal Combustion for In-Furnace Nox Reduction and Flame ControlBelošević, Srđan  ; Tomanović, Ivan D.  ; Crnomarković, Nenad Đ.  ; Milićević, Aleksandar  Article
2015Modeling of the reactions of a calcium-based sorbent with sulfur dioxideTomanović, Ivan D.  ; Belošević, Srđan  ; Milićević, Aleksandar  ; Tucaković, Dragan R.  Article
2017Моделирање процеса одсумпоравања гасова уношењем спрашеног сорбента у ложиште енергетског котла на угљени прахTomanović, Ivan D.  Doctoral theses
2020New application method of the zonal model for simulations of pulverized coal-fired furnaces based on correction of total exchange areasCrnomarković, Nenad Đ.  ; Belošević, Srđan  ; Tomanović, Ivan D.  ; Milićević, Aleksandar  Article
2012Numerical Analysis of NOx Control by Combustion Modifications in Pulverized Coal Utility BoilerBelošević, Srđan  ; Beljanski, Vladimir; Tomanović, Ivan D.  ; Crnomarković, Nenad Đ.  ; Tucaković, Dragan R.  ; Živanović, Titoslav  Article
2016Numerical Investigation of Nucleate Pool Boiling Heat TransferStojanović, Andrijana D.  ; Stevanović, Vladimir D.  ; Petrović, Milan M.  ; Zivkovic, Dragoljub S.Article
2013Numerical investigation of processes in the lignite-fired furnace when simple gray gas and weighted sum of gray gases models are usedCrnomarković, Nenad Đ.  ; Sijercic, Miroslav; Belošević, Srđan  ; Tucaković, Dragan R.  ; Živanović, Titoslav  Article