eNauka - pregled

Pregled prema Autor Borggrefe, Martin

Prikaz rezultata 1 do 6 od 6
GodinaNaslovAutor(i)Tip rezultataMp-kat.
2009Chronic Vagus Nerve Stimulation in Patients With Heart Failure: Potential Predictors of SuccessBorggrefe, Martin; De, Ferrari Gaetano M; Crijns, Harry J; Milasinovic, Goran R; Klein, Helmut; Zabel, Markus; Gavazzi, Antonello; Kuschyk, Juergon; Schoene, Antonina; Sanzo, Antonio;
Dennert, Robert; Raspopovic, Srdjan; Smid, Jan; Iacovoni, Attillo; Schwartz, Peter J;
Konferencijski rad
Mp kategorija će biti prikazana naknadno.
2011Chronic vagus nerve stimulation: a new and promising therapeutic approach for chronic heart failureDe, Ferrari Gaetano M; Crijns, Harry J; Borggrefe, Martin; Milasinovic, Goran R; Smid, Jan; Zabel, Markus; Gavazzi, Antonello; Sanzo, Antonio; Dennert, Robert; Kuschyk, Juergen;
Raspopovic, Srdjan; Klein, Helmut; Swedberg, Karl; Schwartz, Peter J;
Naučni članak
21aM21a - Rad u međ. časopisu izuzetnih vrednosti
2010Durable effects of chronic vagus nerve stimulation for treatment of chronic heart failure: Extended follow-up of the CardioFit Multicenter Pilot StudyCrijns, Harry J; Borggrefe, Martin; De, Ferrari Gaetano M; Milasinovic, Goran R; Smid, Jan; Zabel, Markus; Gavazzi, Antonello; Klein, Helmut; Schwartz, Peter JKonferencijski rad
Mp kategorija će biti prikazana naknadno.
2012Long-Term Benefits of Vagal Nerve Stimulation Therapy in Heart FailureDennert, Robert; Crijns, Harry J; Smid, Jan; Klein, Helmut; Gavazzi, Antonello; Raspopovic, Srdjan; Milasinovic, Goran R; Borggrefe, Martin; Zabel, Markus; De, Ferrari Gaetano M;
Schwartz, Peter J;
Konferencijski rad
Mp kategorija će biti prikazana naknadno.
2017The autonomic nervous system as a therapeutic target in heart failure: a scientific position statement from the Translational Research Committee of the Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiologyvan, Bilsen Marc; Patel, Hitesh C.; Bauersachs, Johann; Böhm, Michael; Borggrefe, Martin; Brutsaert, Dirk; Coats, Andrew J.S.; de, Boer Rudolf A.; de, Keulenaer Gilles W.; Filippatos, Gerasimos S.;
Floras, John; Grassi, Guido; Jankowska, Ewa A.; Kornet, Lilian; Lunde, Ida G.; Maack, Christoph; Mahfoud, Felix; Pollesello, Piero; Ponikowski, Piotr; Ruschitzka, Frank; Sabbah, Hani N.; Schultz, Harold D.; Seferović, Petar ; Slart, Riemer H.J.A.; Taggart, Peter; Tocchetti, Carlo G.; Van, Laake Linda W.; Zannad, Faiez; Heymans, Stephane; Lyon, Alexander R.;
Naučni članak
21aM21a - Rad u međ. časopisu izuzetnih vrednosti
2016Vagus Nerve Stimulation for the Treatment of Heart Failure The INOVATE-HF TrialGold, Michael R; Van, Veldhuisen Dirk J; Hauptman, Paul J; Borggrefe, Martin; Kubo, Spencer H; Lieberman, Randy A; Milasinovic, Goran R; Berman, Brett J; Djordjevic, Sanja; Neelagaru, Suresh;
Schwartz, Peter J; Starling, Randall C; Mann, Douglas L;
Naučni članak
21aM21a - Rad u međ. časopisu izuzetnih vrednosti