eNauka - pregled

Pregled prema Autor Girard, E

Prikaz rezultata 1 do 3 od 3
GodinaNaslovAutor(i)Tip rezultataMp-kat.
2019Impact of beta-catenin phosphorylation patterns on tumour control/progression in a prospective cervical cancer study (RAIDs)Scholl, Suzy M; Latouche, A; De, Koning Leanne; Popovic, Marina; De, la Rochefordiere A; Berns, Els; Gestraud, P; Girard, E; Lecerf, C; Von, der Leyen H;
Roman, Roman S; Rouzier, Roman; Kamal, Maud; Consortium, R;
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2018Molecular Profiles and Patient Outcome in a Prospective Cervical Cancer Study (Raids)Scholl, Suzy M; Popovic, Marina; Kenter, Gemma; De, la Rochefordiere A; Floquet, A; De, Koning Leanne; Berns, Els; Kereszt, A; Girard, E; Von, der Leyen H;
Dureau, S; Fourchotte, V; Rouzier, Roman; Kamal, Maud;
Konferencijski rad
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2018Molecular profiles as a function of treatment response/progression free survival in a prospective cervical cancer study (RAIDs)Scholl, Suzy M; De, Koning Leanne; Popovic, Marina; Anne, DLR; Floquet, A; Berns, Els; Kenter, Gemma; Kereszt, A; Girard, E; Von, der Leyen H;
Dureau, S; Fourchotte, V; Rouzier, Roman; Kamal, Maud; Consortium, R;
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