eNauka - pregled

Pregled prema Autor Lee, Hyoung-gon

Prikaz rezultata 1 do 4 od 4
GodinaNaslovAutor(i)Tip rezultataMp-kat.
2011Cell Cycle Deregulation in the Neurons of Alzheimer’s DiseaseMoh, Calvin; Kubiak, Jacek Z.; Bajić, Vladan  ; Zhu, Xiongwei; Smith, Mark A.; Lee, Hyoung-gonPoglavlje u monografiji
Mp kategorija će biti prikazana naknadno.
2009Cell cycle re-entry mediated neurodegeneration and its treatment role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's diseaseLee, Hyoung-gon; Casadesus, Gemma; Zhu, Xiongwei; Castellani, Rudy J; McShea, Andrew; Perry, George; Petersen, Robert B; Bajic, Vladan P  ; Smith, Mark ANaučni članak
22M22 - Rad u istaknutom međ. časopisu
2009Evidence for the progression through S-phase in the ectopic cell cycle re-entry of neurons in Alzheimer diseaseBonda, David J; Evans, Teresa A; Santocanale, Corrado; Catala, Llosa Jesus; Vina, Jose; Bajic, Vladan P  ; Castellani, Rudy J; Siedlak, Sandra L; Perry, George; Smith, Mark A;
Lee, Hyoung-gon;
Naučni članak
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2010Neuronal Cell Cycle Re-Entry as a Neurotoxic Mechanism of Soluble Amyloid Oligomers in Hippocampal Slice CulturesKudo, Wataru; Zhu, Xiongwei; Bajic, Vladan P  ; Lee, Hyoung-gon; Smith, Mark AKonferencijski rad
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