eNauka - pregled

Pregled prema Autor Milentijevic, Maja

Prikaz rezultata 1 do 5 od 5
GodinaNaslovAutor(i)Tip rezultataMp-kat.
2008Adenomyoma of the gastrointestinal tract. Reported of four cases and review of the literatureKrstic, Miljan S  ; Gligorijevic, Jasmina V; Milentijevic, Maja; Basic, Marin; Ilic, Ivan R; Katic, Vuka VKonferencijski rad
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2020Association of axillary node status with clinicopathological characteristics and expression of EZH2 and CD44 in primary breast ductal carcinoma (✓)Djordjevic, Miodrag N  ; Karanikolic, Aleksandar D  ; Velickovic, Ljubinka V  ; Milentijevic, MajaNaučni članak
23M23 - Rad u međ. časopisu
2011Comparative cytological and histopathological examination of papillary thyroid carcinomaKatic, Vuka V; Petrovic, Aleksandar S; Aggelopoulou, T; Milentijevic, Maja; Stefanovic, D; Mitic, IKonferencijski rad
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2008Immunohistohemical evidences of pregnancy in uterine curettage tissue by the use of a double immunocytochemical staining technique using cytokeratin 7 and vimentin antibodiesTrenkic, Milan S; Basic, Marin; Milentijevic, Maja; Petrovic, Aleksandar S; Zivkovic, Vesna V; Lazarevic, ViktorNaučni članak
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2008Sarcoidosis of the breast and lung: A case report (✓)Pejcic, Tatjana A  ; Stankovic, Ivana J  ; Videnovic, Jelica Lj; Jovanovic, Dragana M; Rancic, Milan H  ; Milentijevic, Maja; Golubovic, SlavicaNaučni članak
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