eNauka - pregled

Pregled prema Autor V Krstic

Prikaz rezultata 1 do 3 od 3
GodinaNaslovAutor(i)Tip rezultataMp-kat.
2012Comparing characteristics of the optic nerve head assessed with HRT II between children and adultsMarić, Vesna; V Babic; P Hentova-Sencanic; V Markovic; V Krstic; M Bozic; I Marjanovic; J DjurovicKonferencijski rad
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2014Optimization the Periodicity of Managing of Preventive Maintenance of Technical SystemsI Krstić; B Bubonja; V Krstic; B Krstić; Mrdak, Gordana  Konferencijski rad
Mp kategorija će biti prikazana naknadno.
2011Recovery of neurooretinal rim of the optic disc in the eye with unilateral congenital ectropion uveae and glaucoma after filtration anti-glaucomatous surgeryMarić, Vesna; V Marković; P Hentova-Sencanic; V Krstic; J Djurovic; M Bozic; I Marjanovic; V BabicKonferencijski rad
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