eNauka - pregled

Pregled prema Autor Vesna Kicošev,

Prikaz rezultata 1 do 2 od 2
GodinaNaslovAutor(i)Tip rezultataMp-kat.
2015Assessment of the Iinfluence of Antropogenic factors on elements of ecological networks in Vojvodina (Serbia) by the Leopold MatrixVesna Kicošev,; Romelić Jovan; Belić Anđelka; Marinić Ivo; Panjković B.Naučni članak
23M23 - Rad u međ. časopisu
2015Influence of Geographical and Historical Factors on Changes in Natural Features of Central Banat and the Quality of Ecosystem ServicesVesna Kicošev,; Romelić Jovan; Matavulj Milan; Marinić Ivo; Belić AnđelkaNaučni članak
51M51 - Rad u vrhunskom časopisu nac. značaja